Comments on: Dungeon Fun – Ding 22! Games, Geekery, Life Thu, 19 Mar 2015 13:54:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chestnut Thu, 19 Mar 2015 13:54:22 +0000 Yeah, even though the healer was reluctant to do much, we still never wiped, so they were at least invested enough to finish it in a timely manner. And I completely agree! PuGs in other games have been MUCH worse, which is why I've gravitated toward guild-only groups.

At least in FFXIV while it's great fun to run with FC folks, it doesn't seem impossible to complete content without them, either. 🙂


By: Aywren Wed, 18 Mar 2015 15:27:30 +0000 Woo! Congrats on getting through your first dungeons!

The Duty Finder is pretty random in the quality you get, but for the most part, people are helpful and want to get the party successfully through the dungeon. I had a lot of apprehension doing these on my own the first time. Not every group was perfect, of course, but it wasn't as bad as PUG experiences in other games. Sometimes, I've even met new friends!

Good luck! 🙂
