Comments on: Depression and Streaming Games, Geekery, Life Fri, 12 Nov 2021 04:23:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chestnut Mon, 30 Jul 2018 03:17:47 +0000 In reply to Zerne.

I appreciate you very much, my friend. <3

By: Zerne Wed, 25 Jul 2018 09:45:32 +0000 I know how deeply depression and anxiety can pull someone, and I absolutely understand, empathize, and sympathize with what you are having to go through. Take all the time you need to get yourself taken care of, and in the mean time you always have my support to lean on. You are well aware of my opinion of you, and I will always be here to lift you up when you feel low. If there is any way that I may be of help, please just let me know, but also know that you are such an amazing and sweet woman. Always remember that I respect you so much for everything you have been through and the way that you are still able to stay true to yourself. I feel so lucky to be able to consider you my friend. Take care of yourself, but if you need a helping hand, both of mine are ready to serve (albeit a couple of short digits).
