Comments on: Impostor Syndrome and Your Blog Games, Geekery, Life Thu, 16 Aug 2018 14:10:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Content Creation and Compliments – Unidentified Signal Source Thu, 16 Aug 2018 14:10:08 +0000 […] think this has a lot to do with the Imposter Syndrome that Chestnut posted about a while back. These posts are so much train of thought in the writing process that I forget I’m leaving […]

By: Beej Tue, 31 Jul 2018 12:03:46 +0000 I deal with Imposter Syndrom all the time. When I got my job as a writer, I absolutely didn’t think I was set to write for one of the top blogs in the field. I felt like (and still do sometimes) that I am not the quality of writer they need.

But feedback I get tells me otherwise. And I know I am learning as I go, and I know that I wouldn’t have gotten the gig if I hadn’t been qualified.

I fall into the “it’s just me” mindset a lot. “I’m just some dude.” But the thing that people who feel the same way need to realize is that so is everyone else! There’s nothing, really, to be an imposter of when you think about it.

What’s really helped me move past it (most of the time) is knowing that I can keep putting stuff out there regardless. That it’s not “fake it til you make it.” It’s just do your thing, and people who appreciate it will naturally gravitate toward you. You don’t have to be an expert to have ideas and thoughts and things to say that are worth writing about and listening to.

So you do you, people. You do you.
