Comments on: Am I Bouncing Off ESO? Games, Geekery, Life Thu, 28 May 2020 08:47:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roger Edwards Thu, 28 May 2020 08:47:17 +0000 I find that to play ESO in a way that I enjoy, I have to impose a lot of structure upon the game. I have a “bee in my bonnet” about playing through the story in narrative order, so my primary alt (which I last played in January) is sitting in Vvardenfell. If I resume playing now, I will be tempted to go to the new zone and “do thing out of order”. We can’t have that!

I also prefer playing when I have an active subscription for the obvious benefits of bag management. When I do return to ESO (I logged in last night just to patch the client and update my add-ons) I will have to sort my bag and vault, dispense with items and stuff that is no longer relevant and resume the story I was completing. I can’t help it. It’s how I roll and play ESO.

By: Krikket Wed, 27 May 2020 15:36:31 +0000 You have summed up the main reason I have NOT gotten back to ESO after an extended break despite wanting to play. Before the break, I had ESO Plus, which means extra bank space and the crafting bag. When I log in next, I will not be able to use my bank unless I resub, and it keeps me from even logging in until I feel like I have the time to devote to make the sub worthwhile. Plus, I realize that when I *do* actually sub again, I need to carve out a few hours to figure out what’s going on with all my characters and actually dump a bunch of stuff that’s just taking up space, because I know I’m holding onto a lot of stuff I’ll never actually use. Inventory management is probably the most tedious chore in most games.
