Fit Geek Friday – Gamer Girl Confessions Games, Geekery, Life Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:58:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fit Geek Friday – Gamer Girl Confessions 32 32 147747408 #FitGeekFriday: Welcome to Twin Peaks Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:58:00 +0000 Original Image from Geek Fitness

This week has been a decisively Twin Peaks heavy geek out on my end. Probably because I saw the teaser trailer (see item 2) and got all excited. I hope y’all like Twin Peaks. Or at least are intrigued by it!

Twin Peaks Meets Pole

I like watching pole videos for a lot of reasons. First, I like seeing what kind of moves and tricks are in my future. Second, everyone is just such a great performer! Third, I like getting ideas for flows and transitions for when I get my pole at home and am able to pole every day just for fun and practice. I guess YouTube saw that I had been watching Twin Peaks related content, and showed this to me as a recommended video. It’s amazing, and the way it is cut fits perfectly with the song. Worth a watch, whether you like pole or not.

Twin Peaks Teaser Trailer

This is the teaser trailer that sent me down the rabbit hole this week. Because, holy crap! I’m so excited for the new Twin Peaks series! A friend gave me their Showtime login information just so I could watch it as it goes come May.

Diane Podcast

Image from the podcast’s Facebook page

Diane is a podcast I recently discovered, actually, after they favorited one of my fangirl Twin Peaks tweets. Every episode, they discuss an episode of Twin Peaks, including trivia, continuity, allusions to literature and other media, critical analysis, etc. I love learning new things and listening to their thoughts on the episodes. They also give a quick synopsis of the episode so you can follow along even if you haven’t watched the episodes recently. There are spoilers, though, so if you’ve never watched Twin Peaks, my suggestion is to watch the episode they discuss before listening. If you have trouble with UK accents, however, this may not be your cuppa.

A Slice of Pie

Image from Etsy

If you know Twin Peaks, you know how important pie (and coffee) is in the show. And this is the perfect Twin Peaks necklace. I love kitchy jewelry. It makes me happy. I especially love kitchy jewelry that reminds me of fandoms I enjoy. For instance, one of my favorite necklaces is a bee on a honeycomb because it reminds me of The Secret World. I’d love to get this necklace one day just because.

Thank You, Angelo Badalamenti

I’ve also been spending a lot of time listening to this playlist in between podcasts when I need more of a “focus background music” type thing instead of a “I can listen to podcasts and work” type thing. The soundtrack to Twin Peaks is unique, and expresses so much about the show. It’s definitely worth a listen.

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#FitGeekFriday: It Begins Sat, 25 Feb 2017 03:07:00 +0000
Original image from Geek Fitness

#FitGeekFriday is something that Professor Beej has put together, once again, to share what he’s geeking out about regarding the “…fitnessy, mindful, hodge-podge of cool stuff I’ve found.” Way back when this was a linked initiative, I participated, so I figured I’d make it a thing on the blog again and participate that way, because I always write too much to make it viable for Twitter.

Pole Goals

Eda is one of the reasons I started pole.

I’ve mentioned it before (mainly on Twitter, but here as well), but pole dancing has consumed my life. I’ll get into the details of why doing it as exercise has been good for me on so many levels in another blog post, but something that I’m geeking out about this week is the pole goals my instructor and I finally set in stone, and some are even checked off! I saw this idea in one of the pole groups I’m a part of, and I thought it was a really cool idea to try out to track my progress in pole. She has a book from when she got certified with X-Pole, and we went through it today, and I’ve completed pretty much everything in Level 1 of pole minus three spins, and all the stuff regarding climbing. For now, we’re going to be working on the spins, and building up my core and upper body strength to start on the climbs. We figure, depending on when I can get a pole at home, that I’ll be able to “test out” (there’s no official test, though some places test your abilities to move into the next level of classes) of level 1 and into level 2 around August or September.

Quest Bars

Before I go to pole classes on Monday and Friday (which are late in the day), I’ve been eating a Quest bar for a protein boost and to have a snack because I won’t be eating dinner until close to 9 PM at night (I don’t like eating a full meal before exercise). I’ve had Quest Bars before, but never really got into them because I didn’t like the exercise I was doing, and didn’t care about nutrition and, well, I wasn’t in the best place to begin with. However, recently, I’ve really gotten into them, and I’ve been warily trying out flavors based on what the grocery store has. My overall favorite so far is Cookie Dough, but the grocery hasn’t had it, so I’ve tried Cookies and Cream, Double Chocolate Chip, and S’mores which have all been pretty tasty, too.

NCIS Binge

I cried so much… (Image from CBS)

I’ve been binging NCIS on Netflix because I needed a somewhat-mindless television show that, even when it had “IN THE FEELS” episodes, ended on a somewhat happy or bittersweet note. (My anxiety and depression have been in flux, and a majority of shows just don’t feel good.) NCIS fit that bill perfectly. I’m surprised that I made it through all 13 seasons available. I usually “jump the shark” between season 3 and season 5. While I did think some of Season 11 and 12 were draggy, and the writing wasn’t the best, and it was kind of annoying, it wasn’t to the point where I didn’t want to not watch anymore.

Epsom Salts

These are my new jam. Pole is fun, but it’s a full body workout, and it’s hard. And sometimes even two days later, a part of me is still sore, depending what I did in class. I’ve been loving soaking in these because I got a milk and honey one, and they smell amazing, and I hurt way less after soaking for a half hour or so. I’ve also been using these as a self-care thing when I’m not sore, and I love it.


Image from Hypable

While I’ve been soaking in the tub, I’ve been enjoying catching up on my comic books. I’ve recently started Monstress, which my brother got me this past Christmas. I’m two chapters into the first volume, and I’ve found it enjoyable so far. I’m looking forward to finishing it, and putting together a more comprehensive blog post on my thoughts for the volume.

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Fit Geek Friday – Star Wars Sat, 25 Apr 2015 02:24:00 +0000

I’ve recently joined a blogging link-up called Fit Geek Friday, hosted by B.J., and Void, this blogger initiative is all about geeks interested in fitness of sorts, get together and share links, and talk about awesome things for the week.

#FitGeekFriday is a way for all of us to meet new friends, find new health, fitness, and geekery blogs, and immerse ourselves in a growing community of people who care about all the same stuff we do.

Participation is simple!

Use the “Add A Link” button below to leave a link to something awesome you wrote at your website, click into someone else’s links, comment, and make new friends! #FitGeekFriday is about bringing together the community of geekery-loving fitness junkies, so get out there and be social!

Join in the link love in the widget at the bottom of the post. And you can find more information here, if you’d like to participate.

This week, the topic is Star Wars.

Okay, I’m so glad that’s the topic today because yesterday I clicked on an article someone had retweeted in my Twitter feed yesterday talking about the Prequel Trilogy that also linked to a fan theory about Padmé’s death. And I really wanted to write a blog post about my thoughts on the article and the Prequels. I mean, I guess it’s not a long post.

Because pretty much I agree with the post–I do think that terrible acting, chemistry that didn’t work well amongst people that were supposed to be in love, and Jar-Jar were pretty much why I didn’t care for the movies (plus midichlorians seemed a little deus ex machina). Watching the video below rekindled my adoration for the story of the Revenge of the Sith, and the backstory that linked the first three movies (IV, V, VI) to the second three (I, II, III). Or vice versa, I guess. (There’s no Elsa in the video, don’t worry, you’re safe.)

So, now I want to go re-watch the Prequels. And I think being able to logically separate the bits I like and don’t like, as I’m slightly older than when they first came out (III came out 10 years ago! TEN YEARS AGO!), and get more enjoyment out of them.

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Fit Geek Friday – MMOs Fri, 17 Apr 2015 23:42:00 +0000

I’ve recently joined a blogging link-up called Fit Geek Friday, hosted by B.J., and Void, this blogger initiative is all about geeks interested in fitness of sorts, get together and share links, and talk about awesome things for the week.

#FitGeekFriday is a way for all of us to meet new friends, find new health, fitness, and geekery blogs, and immerse ourselves in a growing community of people who care about all the same stuff we do.

Participation is simple!

Use the “Add A Link” button below to leave a link to something awesome you wrote at your website, click into someone else’s links, comment, and make new friends! #FitGeekFriday is about bringing together the community of geekery-loving fitness junkies, so get out there and be social!

Join in the link love in the widget at the bottom of the post. And you can find more information here, if you’d like to participate.

This week, the topic is MMOs.

Well, how apropos! I play MMOs! And do I have news for today!

First, while I’m late to the party, I’d like to share that OMG WildStar has confirmed Shade’s Eve for this year!! *Squee* Who doesn’t like a good holiday event?! I’m excited to see how WildStar improves upon the standard “here’s a quest, get a holiday item”. Though, I don’t mind those too much, either, if they’re steeped in lore as WildStar’s events seem to be.

And we all know about the announcement of cool items out of WildStar box copies, right?

It was payday today, so I stopped to get a box for myself and for one of our dearest guild members who is an EU player with a NA account and can’t buy boxes in her zone for the items. Chaide declined a box, and said that he’d just love to get any duplicates I end up with. So, I thought it would be fun to post some screenshots of the things I get!

Gotta add some pep to the WildStar speculation I’ve been posting, right?

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Fit Geek Friday – Stop Being Negative Sat, 11 Apr 2015 03:03:00 +0000

I’ve recently joined a blogging link-up called Fit Geek Friday, hosted by B.J., and Void, this blogger initiative is all about geeks interested in fitness of sorts, get together and share links, and talk about awesome things for the week.

#FitGeekFriday is a way for all of us to meet new friends, find new health, fitness, and geekery blogs, and immerse ourselves in a growing community of people who care about all the same stuff we do.

Participation is simple!

Use the “Add A Link” button below to leave a link to something awesome you wrote at your website, click into someone else’s links, comment, and make new friends! #FitGeekFriday is about bringing together the community of geekery-loving fitness junkies, so get out there and be social!

Join in the link love in the widget at the bottom of the post. And you can find more information here, if you’d like to participate.

This week, the topic is Stop Being Negative.

So, there’s been a lot of talk recently, especially leading up to Developer Appreciation Week (last week) about negativity in the online community. And I don’t want to beat a dead horse. So I won’t.
Honestly, this topic was hard for me to come up with something. I find myself to be a generally happy-go-lucky and positive person… except when it comes to my self-talk.
Yep. I bash on myself and am the most negative self-talker I know. I even self depreciate in front of other folks, calling myself stupid, or other not-so-great names, telling jokes that bash myself, etc.
I can’t tell you how much negative self-talk has killed my mood, and made me feel like shit about myself. And we all do it, to some degree or another. So why do we do that? To make ourselves feel on an “even” playing field with others? 
It’s taken me some continued therapy to improve my attitude towards myself. And it’s a daily struggle, but it’s something I work on constantly. 
What I’ve found works best for me is self-care–taking the time out of my day to do things for myself. And not necessarily things that will perpetuate the negative self-talk later (like binging on food)–that just perpetuates the hampster wheel. But things like playing a game I like alone. Or soaking in the tub with a book. Or maybe a small bit of “retail therapy”. Writing down things that made me happy for the day. Things that make me feel good about myself. And it has helped me a bunch. While I’m not done negative self-talking, I’m definitely making progress that I’m proud of.
Because I am a positive person whose friends would never talk that way to her–so why do I do it to myself?

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Fit Geek Friday – Superheroes! Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:40:00 +0000

I’ve recently joined a blogging link-up called Fit Geek Friday, hosted by B.J., and Void, this blogger initiative is all about geeks interested in fitness of sorts, get together and share links, and talk about awesome things for the week.

#FitGeekFriday is a way for all of us to meet new friends, find new health, fitness, and geekery blogs, and immerse ourselves in a growing community of people who care about all the same stuff we do.

Participation is simple!

Use the “Add A Link” button below to leave a link to something awesome you wrote at your website, click into someone else’s links, comment, and make new friends! #FitGeekFriday is about bringing together the community of geekery-loving fitness junkies, so get out there and be social!

Join in the link love in the widget at the bottom of the post. And you can find more information here, if you’d like to participate.

This week, we’re talking about Superheroes!

Superheroes to the Rescue!

While I like superheroes (particularly the X-Men), I want to focus more on MMOs. And not Superhero MMOs, but MMOs where we become the heroes. In fantasy MMOs, we’re labeled as “heroes”. Like in WoW or FFXIV.

Would we be defined as superheroes in those genres? I guess it would depend on your definition of Superhero. What qualifies a character as a superhero? Extraordinary powers, superhuman powers, and paranormal abilities are usually the qualifying factors. Would you classify your toon in your chosen MMO as a superhero?

Honestly, I’ve never thought of any of my fantasy characters as Superheroes, as the genre expects there to be folks of extraordinary strength and ability. In short, it’s not superhuman, but expected. There are creatures that need to be dealt with out in the world, and those humanoids that go and remove said threat.

Now, if it were a game such as The Secret World, (which I am getting back into) I would consider it Superhuman powers. Much like the Spiderman “creation story”, we are given superhuman powers by a mere insect that plays a very important role in the story.

So what defines whether someone is a superhero or not? Is it really the fact that one would have superhuman powers? Or is it the environment that determines if these powers are the “norm” or outside of it? I, for one, would have to say the environment. In fantasy, it’s not outside the norm. However, in an urban environment, it would be out of the norm, and therefore superhuman.

So, what do you guys think of Superheroes? Share anything and everything you want about them, and don’t forget to add your link and Link Up!

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