But I don’t like solo duties anymore since they often put you in weird situations that aren’t like the normal game or make you play as a different character or something, so I have a bit of a mental block about starting them. I have queued for roulettes while looking at the quest person I need to click to start the duty rather than actually clicking the npc in order to advance the story….
Still, I’ve got Sage and Summoner/Scholar to 80 now and have begun working on Black Mage. I suppose I’ll do Red Mage after that to finish out the magic dps role, then I’ll probably move on to bard/dancer/machinist or something. Who knows? Whims change after all 😉
And someday I’ll do that duty and move on in the MSQ too… Someday…..
]]>I’ve contemplated going back to ESO, but I feel like I’d be totally lost with updates and changes and the like. I’m glad you’re having fun in your own way, but I’m sorry it’s lonely!
]]>I definitely *want* to play as well, but I’m also just… having fun in other games as well.
]]>Doing what’s best for YOU is always right. <3
]]>Yay Steam Winter Sale! 😀
]]>It’s my pleasure! 🙂