Pre-BfA Rush
Hurry Hurry!
I did it. I ground stuff out and did things and stuff! And things. I’ve been kind of disenamored with WoW, as of late. Partially because depression makes it difficult to do anything but sit in front of Netflix, as of late, but also because I haven’t been enjoying alt raiding. Thus, I couldn’t really motivate myself in any sense to log in for a while. Which put me at a detriment when I tried grinding out a few things the two days prior to patch-day.
The Gold Queen put out a reminder about how Pet Tokens were changing, and that we should use them up before they were essentially dust. I didn’t actually know that was happening (I have a habit of not reading up on anything until changes happen because it’s all in so much flux and I don’t have the spoons to handle consistent changes in my games on top of managing life). So I rushed over to Dalaran, and talked to the fine ladies in the Menagerie. I picked up my mirror toy, and just bought a bunch of stones and bags to use up all of my tokens. So I guess I’ll get to do a bit of grinding out on pets when Squirt comes around, and use some stones, as well.

I also finally made it over to the Mage Tower on my main. I honestly don’t care much about alts, but I wanted the skin for my main spec (Prot), at the very least. It took me a few tries, though, despite trying it ages ago when it first released (to much failure). First try, haha. Well. It went extremely poorly. I forgot about only taking approximately 5-7 stacks (I had 10) and firmly faceplanted, even with an orb. The second try, I breezed through the first half and easily got to Kruul… where I got knocked off the platform (though I am unsure if it was by him or an add). The third time I had him down to 4%! But, look! An add! And no Intercept! Wheeeeee! Off the side I go again! The fourth time I was very confused. I got him down to 1%, and then thought I died. I was so absolutely angry. I was cursing and going on about not wanting to do it again (even though I knew I would), and then realized I’d rez’d in Dal. Wait. What? Why am I in Dal? Wait… did it say I got him in the quest? IT SAID I GOT HIM IN THE QUEST! So I trotted myself over to sexy Dadgar and handed it in and got my new (fairly ugly) mage tower skin. I called it quits on skins, after that. I rarely play DPS on Chestnaught because Blizzard has ruined trying to level alt-specs for me. And they also ruined playing alts for me (a thing I adored back in Wrath and Cataclysm before my five year hiatus), so I didn’t bother hopping on my Shaman or Hunter to grind those out.

Then I finally decided to get the last few First Aid achievements I needed. And can we just say that Field Medic was a pain in the butt… but bless all those parties that were going. And, honestly? Those parties made me feel a lot better about the WoW environment! I’ve spent a lot of time avoiding pugs of all sort this expansion because of some pretty poor experiences at the start (and then consistently getting kicking my under max level characters in every single Timewalk I tried…), but the Field Medic parties were pretty good. They were either completely silent outside of a “brb handing in”, or they were super chatty, wishing each other luck, joking about wishing drops could be traded, just generally chatting, etc. It was a nice backdrop while I watched Interview With a Vampire for the first time.
Meander a Bit
I’d been trying to work on grinding out some reps that were going away in the pre-patch, but I just haven’t had the time, for the reasons listed above. But, I still have a few things I’d like to finish before the end of the patch:
- Level Chest-Dwarf to 60 (then boost to 110) for Double Agent achievement
- Level Macadamia to 110 (towards Quintessential Quintet achievement—which puts me at 3/5 if I recall?)
- Obtain flying in Draenor (so that I can level more alts for Quintessential Quintet)
- Finish Nagrandeur achievement
- Explore Shadowmoon Valley achievement
- Explore Nagrand acheivement
- Securing Draenor achievement
- Revered with The Sabersatlkers
- Revered with Order of the Awakened
- Revered with Vol’in’s Headhunters
- Level Arraign (Femcow Death Knight) to 110
- Level ?? (probably Kaelari, the Femcow Paladin?) to 110
Yeah, there’s a theme there. I’d like all my Tauren ladies to be up and at max for the release of the expansion. So, we’ll see how far I get in a month…ish. So, those are my goals going forwards! What are you guys working on to finish out before BfA?
Don’t know if you realise, but the profession level bump for being level 60 has been removed from character boosts, so if you were levelling Chest-Dwarf specifically for that, womp womp. Might as well boost whenever. They kept that change quiet! 🙁
DANGIT! That *was* the reason I was waiting until 60 to boost her. And I was so dang close, too!
Well, that stinks. But, it also checks an achievement off my list sooner, so I can get started on others lol.