IntPiPoMo 2018 Results
The List
First, I want to give a big thank you to everyone who participated this year! It was a much better turn out than 2017, and I’m thankful to everyone who took the time. If you’re unsure what IntPiPoMo is, you can check out the starter post from this year, and mark your calendars for 2019!
- Atheren’s Adventures
- Azerothian Life
- Gamer Girl Confessions
- GamingSF
- Glyffe
- Going Commando
- Inventory Full
- Just Geeking By
- Mailvaltar – MMOs and Other Stuff
- Nerdy Bookahs
- Superior Realities
- Tales of the Aggronaut
Some Stats
Stats! I love stats! I like providing little tidbits of information on wrap-up.
- Thirteen (13) total blogs participated in this challenge (including my own measly participation). This is double what participated in 2017 (6) and approximately the number the participated in 2016 (14).
- Twelve (12) blogs posted at least 5 images.
- Eleven (11) blogs posted at least 25 images.
- Seven (7) blogs posted at least 50 images.
- Six (6) blogs went above and beyond the 50 images.
- The highest number of posted images was 104, followed by 95, and 92.
The Winners
I offered up prizes again this year, so let’s review what they were, and the winners!
- Grand Prize – Of all participants who complete 50 photos, I will be using a RNG ( to draw a winner for a Steam game worth up to $15! This is also exchangeable for an MMO subscription.
- And the winner is… Tales of the Aggronaut
- Three Other Prizes – Of all participants to complete the 25+ photos (up to and including those who make it to 50 pictures), I will be using a RNG ( to draw three winners for a Steam game worth up to $10! And the winners are…
I’ll be reaching out to everyone via Twitter (or on one of your blog posts if you didn’t list a Twitter account on sign up) to dish out prizes!
Thank you again to everybody who participated! I’m hoping we keep steaming along next year!