Attempting TESO Again
Obligatory WoW Update

Just a quick, obligatory, yes, I’m still playing WoW. The game hasn’t been of interest to me much outside of raiding. Which I know is a detriment for gear, but I just don’t get much enjoyment out of it right now outside of raiding with folks. We got Heroic Mekkatorque down last week, and will hopefully have the folks right before Jaina (I can’t remember their names and don’t feel like googling) down soon.
I’m hoping that the story becomes more engaging again, soon. I mean, Legion wasn’t the best expansion ever, but I at least felt like I had fun logging in to do things, and pursue various stories and class-based things. I think part of my lack of enthusiasm is also due to the whole, “factions fight each other, rawr!” bit, but that’s just speculation, because I haven’t had time to delve into the “whys”.
Back to Streaming!
As detailed in my last post, I want to try to better balance vanilla and NSFW endeavors, so I’m back to streaming this week!
I'm back from my streaming hiatus on Thursday! Come hang out for beginner @TESOnline streaming fun!
June 6th @ 5:30-8:30 PM EDT @GirlStreamers @Themooglespom #ESO #ESOFam
— Chestburster 👽 (@ChestnutPlays) June 3, 2019
Pigs Fly, and Hell Froze Over

Since I’ve been so busy and burned out with real life, I’ve been trying to find a new game, again, that catches my fancy. I considered City of Heroes, but I’ve never been a bit superhero fan. So I figured why not give ESO a try, for the third time. The farthest I’ve gotten is level 8, but it’s never clicked. My assumption, before starting back up this particular time, was due to the fact that I wasn’t taking things at my own pace, and exploring the way I wanted to, because I was playing with other people.
So Manthing and I have come to a sort of agreement where we’ll still both be playing ESO, but sit in Discord and do our own things in game instead of trying to play it with characters together 100% of the time. And I’m enjoying both the extra time with him (seeing him only once a week is difficult, sometimes), and doing my own things in the game… even if that just means talking to every NPC I run into, reading every single book I open, and gathering everything I can with no care in the world.
I also decided to roll up a Bosmer, this time. “Wait, you’re playing an Elf, Chestnut?” Yep. For those that don’t know, I don’t like Elves in fantasy. I never really have. But I’ve been watching Aeyvi stream a bunch, lately, and saw that she had a Bosmer, but with horns.
And really, I’m all here for some Succubus Forest Witch shit, so I decided why not go Goth Bosmer? It’s definintely been making the game enjoyable for me, so I will concede that Elves maybe aren’t all bad, so long as they don’t follow the normal body shape and have horns, and I can pretend they practice sex magick.

ESO definitely works best when played at your own pace and content enjoyment. It can be overwhelming. But then you start a quest, enjoy the characters introduced and before you know it they are talking you into jumping onto their pirate ship and sailing to a distant shore. Onward!
That’s exactly how it’s happened! Oh, I need to do this quest, but look, two people talking! And they gave me another quest! So I’ll go do that and then oh, a shiny book to read! And look, fishing holes! And…