Digital Date Nights
Blog Revamp?
I haven’t updated my site in a very long time, and I’m feeling the itch to tweak it some. I’m considering picking up Yoast SEO (since I use it for my business blog/site), fiddling with my header, and changing up my color scheme a little bit. I’m fairly content with the layout itself, but just feel that it needs a bit of an update. I won’t be rebranding, even though my Twitter and Youtube differ a bit.
Rebranding is far too much work, and I’ve been Gamer Girl Confessions since I first started. It’s not the end of the world if my YouTube and Twitter don’t completely match my blog. I know some people would say it is, but this blogging and YouTube endeavor is not something that I’m doing expressly to make money. If that happens, cool. But both are an outlet for me to work my way through content I am interested in, but may not otherwise explore.
Date Nights
I typically only get to see Manthing once a week as we’re both busy, but since quarantine has essentially been enacted, the lack of weekly physical human content has been difficult. While we chat daily, we greatly enjoy each other’s company, and being close is something sorely missed by both of us.
We’re trying to cope as best we can by trying out virtual date nights. Last week we tried out watching stuff on Amazon and Netflix because it was the easiest thing for both of us in the moment. We ended up finishing up Watakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku on Amazon Prime, which was super cute. We both love the opening theme, and have enjoyed digging into an anime that deals with being an adult. I personally need more anime like this, rather than high school slice-of-life stuff. We also watched Mask of Zorro on Netflix, which he had surprisingly never seen before. It was fun laughing at the perfect mix of slapstick with smart humor.
Tonight, we’re going to try Season 20 of Diablo 3. It will honestly be my first real time playing D3 outside of putzing around a bit by myself once or twice after my metamour gifted me an expansion. I’m not sure what I’ll roll yet, or what he has rolled, but I’ll be sure to recount how well it goes at some point.