Back to Streaming This Week!
I’m not offline for much longer (I had to push it due to life)! My goal for this month is to stream at least once a week on Saturdays, and to have a flex day of Thursday evenings when I’m up to it.
I’m still working day job and creating adult content while getting back into streaming, so I’m trying to pace myself and take it slow, but also work towards consistent dates rather than picking something that may fit my schedule at the start of the week, but not work by the time the date I set comes around.
Anyway, all that to say, you can find me on Twitch this week on Thursday evening at 6PM EST, probably playing some DBD. I’ll also be live on Saturday afternoon at 11AM EST, though I’m not sure what I’ll be playing, yet. I hope to see you there!
Art by Chrystals.
This is post 2/31 for Blaugust You can find out more and sign up over at Belghast’s post!