Getting to Know All About You
A new week means a new theme for Blaugust! And this week’s theme is all about getting to know you. Err, me? Anyway, Bel defines this week as “Getting to Know You Week”.
The idea behind this week is to let the community know who you are and what some of your interests are. This is a great time to dip into that well of stories and tell us something interesting that has either happened to you or something about your specific spin on blogging.
I only really have one or two posts planned this week to talk more about me in general. I find that most of the time I end up talking about myself quite a bit in blog posts that even center around gaming. And truly, it all comes down to one’s own style, and what you’re trying to get out of the content you’re creating.
While my content does center around gaming (with some stationery and books thrown in), it’s truly about me in the long run. It’s the concept of Variety gaming on Twitch—the streamer themselves is central to the content regardless of what they are focusing on. And I guess, in some way or another, my blogging content has always kind of followed suit to that… and I don’t think I recognized it until now when I put it into words. Huh.
This is post 9/31 for Blaugust You can find out more and sign up over at Belghast’s post!