Stacks of books as a background with "Chestnut's TBR Stack" written on top of the image
Goals,  Reading

TBR Stack October 2021

Some Thoughts

Reading kind of went by the wayside in September due to lack of work and mental health balances. I also already know that it could possibly be a bit of a tough mental health month—my CPTSD has been giving me a bit of a rough time the past few days, so I want to be gentle with myself.

Being gentle with myself for October means trying to finish some books I’ve already started, and mainly just giving myself freedom to choose any comfort reads (whether re-reads or new reads in favored genres—largely paranormal romance) I want that are not on this list.

I also don’t know that I’m going to create the “rollovers” section like I did last month. I liked the idea at the time, but I kind of like the three categories I had laid out prior. I can note if it’s a rollover book or not when it’s in the list.

Library Run

All the books I already have, or plan to grab, from the library this month in no particular order. This also includes books I’ve borrowed via Kindle Prime.

  • Rebel’s Blade by Frost Kay – I borrowed this book from Kindle Prime back on October 19, 2020. I’d really like to finish it and open up a bit of space in my borrows. Especially so I can check out all of the Black Stars collection.
  • Air Awakens by Elise Kova – First appeared in August’s TBR Stack. Another Kindle Prime read that I’d like to return (and knock off of a reading challenge!).
  • Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik – This one is from August’s TBR Stack. I’m about a third of the way through. I’m really enjoying it, but it’s a hefty read.
  • Darling by K. Ancrum – Initially picked it up as a part of August’s TBR Stack, and I’d like to finish it since it’s a quick and short read.
  • Peter Darling by Austin Chant – Another quick and short read that showed up first in August’s TBR Stack that I still haven’t started.
  • Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur – So far a really cute read that I’d like to finish up! First appeared in September’s TBR Stack.
  • Namesake by Adrienne Young – Another one that was first on August’s TBR list. I currently have it out from the library and would like to get to it before it’s due!

Shop My Shelves

Books I own either digitally (Kindle or Audible) or physically that I want to dig into this month.

  • 3 Months to No. 1 by Will Coombe – I’m almost done with this, and just want it off my list. While it’s helpful and important information for my adult business, it’s also kind of dry. It feels like a blocker on my enjoyment of books with it looming over me.
  • Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron – This first appeared in August’s TBR Stack as a Library choice. I’d renewed it a few times and was interested in it enough to pick it up myself so that I didn’t have to keep getting it from the library to finish it. Sometimes I just take books I’m enjoying slowly. This is one of them.
  • Shadow Fall by Erin Kellison – First appeared in August’s TBR Stack. A comfort read for the month that I’ve not actually picked up, yet. And I may just re-read the first one, again, because I love it that much.
  • A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir – I’ve been loving these audio books! I especially love that each character that narrates the book also has a specific narrator to read their chapters. And all of the voice acting is extremely well done. So I definitely want to finish these up so I can re-read them.
  • The Great Passage by Shion Miura – Another one I’m partially done with that first showed up in August’s TBR Stack.
  • Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade – Oh gosh I loved this book so much that I need to re-read it. It’s honestly the book that made me willing to try other romance novels, because it centers around a thirty-something geeky fat girl. (Also, the sequel comes out this month!)
  • A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne Brown – Another re-read! I picked this up as a pre-order and pretty much devoured it when it came out. I don’t often pre-order new books, but I figured there was no harm in diversifying my bookshelf. The sequel to this duology comes out at the start of November, so I want to make sure I’m up to snuff for the second one!
  • Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews – The first book was not quite a 3-star for me just based on the writing and the way things felt so disjointed in some parts. But I enjoyed it enough that I wanted to try out the second book… so here we are!

New Purchases

Books of all sorts that I’ve picked up in the last month.

  • A Sky Beyond the Storm by Sabaa Tahir – The final book in the “Ember in the Ashes” tetralogy. I figured I’d at least pick it up so I could jump right into it after I finish A Reaper at the Gates.
  • Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse – This was initially a Library choice back in August. I decided to pick it up on Kindle since the first few pages caught my interest that much.
  • Mind Over Magic by Lindsay Buroker – I couldn’t say no to a 99 cent paranormal romance that popped up for me on Amazon. I figured I’d give it a try. I’ve spent more money on books that have ended up being a 1-star read, so it’s not like being out 99 cents is the worst that could happen.
  • Tahira in Bloom by Farah Heron – Amazon First Reads is letting Prime members choose two books this month. This was one of the titles I chose. It sounded like a cutesy book, so why not?
  • Star Mother by Charlie N. Holmberg – My second Amazon First Reads choice for the month of October. Again, another book that sounded intriguing! I also looked at Her Name is Knight, but the CWs made me decide not to pick it up since I’m having a tough time with triggers so far this month. And I think I also have Spellbreaker on my Kindle (though have yet to read it), so I’m hoping this was a good choice for me!

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