Stream Schedule: Nov 29-Dec 5, 2021
I feel like I’m finally starting to get into a bit of a groove with this whole stream schedule thing.
I’m surprised that I’m actually enjoying streaming Sims, as well. So much so, I decided to introduce my founder in a blog post, and start putting my current playthrough on my YouTube in shorter form videos.
This week, though, my stream schedule consists of a single streaming day—what I’m now referring to as Sims Saturday.
I have a bunch of things to attend to this week at work, and add on top of it multiple doctor appointments.
Doctors are draining at the best of times, and going to the doctors at the end of the year is just absolutely draining in a country that has for-profit insurance. (But I will end that rant before I begin it.)
This month I am also going to be setting up the little holiday tree I have in my streaming room! I’m thinking of getting little paper ornaments that I can write on to hang on the tree for every subscriber or gifted subs.
I’ll also be sending out some nifty holiday cards to those who end up getting stickers from sub-goal giveaways, too!
So be sure to follow me on Twitch, and keep an eye on Twitter for any possible stream schedule updates!