Stream Schedule: Dec 20-26, 2021
Stream Schedule
After a stressful month at work, I have some time off. Which means a few more days on the stream schedule this week!
I’ve invested in a VPN finally, so I put some DBD on the schedule for the first time!
I’ll be doing some DBD Thursday night after a day of working on content.
As I mentioned last week, I don’t really celebrate Christmas, so I’ll be doing some cozy Animal Crossing on Christmas Eve evening into the night, with more DBD on Christmas evening into night.
New Years Streams?
I’m not sure what my plans look like for New Years, yet. I’m sure I’ll be spending time with my polycule bubble, but I’m still not one hundred percent sure of that, so I can’t definitively say when I’ll be streaming.
I would like to do a Goal Setting and Vision Board stream, but that will probably be the first week of January, rather than on New Years itself.
Going into the New Year, I would like to keep my stream schedule to a minimum of one day, with a maximum of three.
Working full time is not necessarily conducive to streaming consistently, but I’m trying my best to be as consistent as possible.
As always, you can follow me on Twitch and turn on notifications, or check Twitter for updates on when I go live!