Currently Nerding, December 2021
Nerding Out Over Reading
So far this month I have finished six books… which is more than most months this year, and I still have a few days left.
Granted, one or two of those books were a DNF read (did not finish), but I’m also trying to be better about giving myself permission to DNF books.
Which may or may not become another post in the future.
I also got myself a new reading chair!
I used to have a papasan chair there (it’s now in the living room), but it’s just not comfortable for long periods of time.
I’ve been eyeing these oversize circle/oval chairs for a while, but they’re like… $1200 USD minimum.
So on a whim, my partner and I went to a local furniture warehouse and found this one for about $450 USD. I had to get it.
I do not regret the purchase at all. I’ve used the chair a lot in just the week I’ve had it, and the fur children love it so very much!
It’s funny to feel like I’m nerding out over a chair, but I totally am. Does this mean I’m an adult, now?
Fanhouse heard all about this first, by the way. Fanhouse is a great way to access behind-the-scenes content, pet spam, and more, while also supporting me. More info can be found in my sidebar!
Nerding Out Over Gaming
This time of year, I always seem to get into a Sims streak. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just find it interesting.
I am hoping that it lasts longer than it usually does, however, because I’m really enjoying the Flower Legacy Challenge that I’m working through on stream.
I’m also currently playing DBD, though I’m still disappointed over various things Behaviour (the company) has done as of late.
But there’s nothing to really scratch the itch of DBD without playing DBD right now.
I’ve eyed Propnight, but I have yet to try it. I really want to try VHS, but have yet to get an invite to the beta.
Nerding Out Over Project Management?
Okay, this one might be a bit out there… but hear me out.
I’ve been trying to create a content workflow with Trello and my bujo this past year for content creation, and it just hasn’t been working out.
Trying to set specific dates for each piece and portion of content is a pain in the butt with Trello, and sometimes I need something a bit easier to change up in the moment than my bujo.
I decided I needed something more project management-focused.
Enter… Asana. And the above YouTube video, which helped me to set up a content calendar specific to my needs.
I’ve only been working in it a week but so far it’s helping me to be a bit more pro-active than reactive with my content.
It also helps me to better see what is and isn’t a reasonable ask of my time based on what else the day holds.
And when I have bad brain days, it makes it much easier to see when I can re-work things to try and stay on the timelines I want to set for myself.
Overall, it’s helping me to feel a bit more balanced. But, like I said, I’ve only been using it about a week.
So we’ll see how well it holds up throughout the year.
Have you been nerding out over anything this month?