Stream Schedule: Jan 17-23, 2022
Stream Schedule
Another week, another stream schedule!
I spoke too soon last week when I said that the week was looking more manageable.
So I’m knocking on wood this week before I even begin.
Like last week, I’m going to be doing some chill Animal Crossing on Thursdays.
I really want to start fiddling around with Island Designer even if I have no idea what I want to do.
I’ll also be continuing my Sims 4 Flower Legacy Challenge on Saturday.
There’s just something about playing this challenge on stream that’s invigorating to me. I’m looking forward to it!
Butt-Kicked by Life
I have every intention of streaming as I start the week.
But the past few weeks of work (and by extension life) have just… blown up on me.
I don’t like it. And not just because I don’t like having life go ka-blewy.
I really do want to log on and hang out with folks and stream. And streaming helps me to make the time to actually play games.
Knock on wood, but this week looks like things are settling down a bit. So I can start prioritizing content a bit more in the ways I want to.
That said… be sure to check Twitter for streaming updates in case life and work start kicking my ass again.
And be sure to follow me on Twitch to hang out for streams!