Currently Nerding, February 2022
Nerding Out Over Candy
I’ve never really been someone that has a sweet tooth.
I don’t really crave candy or sweets on a regular basis. I mean, I have a bunch of candy bars just sitting in the fridge waiting to be eaten.
It’s just not something we had in the house often as a kid, and it’s a habit I have continued as an adult.
Until recently. Lately, Twix have just been hitting the spot. I’ve never quite been a fan of them before.
But there’s something about them now that’s just… divine.
I’m going to chalk it up to finally watching the newest season of the Great British Bake Off.
Nerding Out Over Romance Books
I’ve mentioned before that my favorite genre of books is paranormal romance.
There’s just something about a werewolf or a vampire or a shifter falling in love with a witch or a human or a… well, you get the idea.
But lately, I’ve found myself getting more into contemporary romance as well (and I’m trying out historical romance again).
The last time I really read a romance novel outside of paranormal (before starting this contemporary kick in the last year) was probably back in the sixth grade.
My mom let me read one of her romance books because I liked the cover.
It was long and I found it absolutely boring. So it swore me off all other kinds of romance except the fantastical creatures kind.
But this past year I dabbled into contemporary romance with Olivia Dade’s Spoiler Alert since it was nerdy and featured a fat woman as the main character.
And I was not disappointed. But I thought it may have been an outlier of enjoyment. Until I picked up Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur.
It was a group read pick for a reading challenge I was participating in. But I was more open to giving it a try since it was a sapphic relationship.
I enjoyed it immensely. And it started opening my eyes to a world of romance books that weren’t actually like the romance book I’d read back in the sixth grade.
This year, I have a lot of romance books I want to read. And I think it’s because it’s a great way to escape the current environment of the world.
So I’m looking forward to nerding out over more romance novels and hopefully starting to share a review here or there for the ones I enjoyed.
Nerding Out Over a Spring Reading Challenge
Creating & Co. has just released their newest reading challenge for Spring!
One of my favorite things to do when I find a new reading challenge is to plan out the books I would like to read based on the prompts.
I love reading challenges because they give me ideas for which books to pick next out of my collection that I haven’t yet read.
Every so often they also let me pick off of my (even larger) “want to read but do not own” list of books.
I thought since I had fun nerding out over planning out my list yesterday that I’d share it today!
You’ll also see these titles pop up in my TBR Stack posts the next few months.
Explanations for why I picked the books will also be in those TBR Stack posts.
- Prompt #1: Published in Mar/Apr/May – A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor by Kathryn Moon.
- Prompt #2: Floral Cover – Deceived by the Gargoyles by Lillian Lark.
- Prompt #3: Clocks/Time Travel – Spin Me Right Round by David Valdes
- Prompt #4: Save the Earth – Heroine Complex by Sarah Kuhn
- Prompt #5: Yellow Cover – She Who Became the Sun by Shelly Parker-Chan
- Prompt #6: New (to me) Genre – The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn
- Prompt #7: Spring Into Action – Rat Queens: Sass & Sorcery (Vol 1) by Wiebe & Upchurch
- Prompt #8: Siblings – Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo
- Prompt #9: Small Town – Teach Me by Olivia Dade
- Prompt #10: Title Starts with T – These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
- Prompt #11: Secret Club – The Ravens by Kass Morgan & Danielle Paige
- Prompt #12: Group Read – I don’t know what this one is, yet.