Stream Schedule: April 11-17, 2022
Stream Schedule
I’m chancing a stream schedule post today because I’m feeling better with my medications.
Granted, I have a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow, so she might want to change things again.
I think I’m going to refuse this time, though. I’ve had enough jerking around with meds for now.
Normally I try to keep my streams to one of three days. But this work week is a busy one.
I also don’t have the weekend available for stream because I will be spending it with Manthing.
So I decided to stream on a day that I might not normally—Friday! And it’ll be DBD shenanigans.
Friday night DBD just feels like it will hit the spot after this work week.
I hope you’ll come hang out! Don’t forget to follow my Twitch so you get notified.
Upcoming Plans
Website Rebrand
I mentioned a bit ago that I’m contemplating rebranding Gamer Girl Confessions to just Chestnut Plays.
I’m still a bit waffle-y about the choice, but I’m leaning towards the rebrand.
Chestnut Plays is just an easier URL to type and to remember.
Right now I’m still doing some research on how to handle it mindfully and not destroying everything I’ve created over the past eleven years.
Which, honestly, is not something I thought heavily about when I moved from Blogger over to WordPress. Unfortunately.
More Posts
I’m trying to create a bit more content lately so that this doesn’t turn into just a random stream schedule website.
That would be boring for y’all. And for me, honestly.
But I just haven’t had a lot to talk about. The only media I am consuming on a regular basis are books.
And writing a book review for every post would be boring to me. Or at least, it’d get old after a bit.
Especially since book reviews take some thought. I can’t make micro-posts out of them very well.