Stream Schedule: April 18-24, 2022
Stream Schedule
I had every intention to stream last week, but I fell through on my stream schedule due to a very long “quell well” (work week).
I also thought I would be up to streaming multiple days this week, but then I forgot to take my afternoon dose of antidepressants today.
So to be on the safe side, my stream schedule this week is just going to stay at one day.
I thought about teasing an impromptu stream on Thursday or Friday, but I’m not sure how missing a dose will affect me this week.
I also have a fair bit of stuff to complete on Friday for work and for errands, so it’s also probably best to take the day for myself.
So for now, my stream schedule continues to stay at one day.
I hope to see you Saturday for some more Sims and brunch!
Upcoming Plans
Next week, however, will be a bit more streaming, hopefully!
I have Friday off of work (trying to use up PTO instead of lose it), so I’m contemplating a Thursday evening stream.
I’ll also be participating in ThanksInternet’s Charity Stream on Friday April 29!
(You can find her stream schedule image in the tweet below.)
Next Friday I'll be live for 24 (to 30) hours raising funds for Trans Empowerment Project!✨
This is our first charity stream this year and I'm so excited to be able to do a 24 hour stream for such a deserving cause. 💜
We have lots of amazing guests – I can't wait! pic.twitter.com/UbVD1an15V— thanksnternet 💾 (@ThanxInternet) April 19, 2022
I don’t think I’ll stream while active on her channel, but I would like to try and raid in to the start of her event.
I should hopefully have more details about games and times when I’m ready to post next week’s stream schedule.