NBI Safari – Epic Achievement
If you didn’t already know, this month is the Newbie Blogger Initiative, and Murf over at Murf Vs. has posed a challenge to bloggers called the NBI Safari. What’s the Safari? Murf provided a few different topics, and wants to see screenshots from these topics (you can only choose four, mind) and why you think they embody the particular topics you choose.
Last week, I didn’t do any blogging, and was pretty much offline because my mother was in town (expect a long post on last week’s shenanigans sometime today), so I’m playing a bit of catchup with the Safari this week.
So, my first submission for the Safari this week is a screenshot that embodies the Epic Achievement topic. Granted, the screenshot above is just of a world boss kill. And it’s not my greatest screenshot because even when you hide UI, text still pops up on your screen, which I was a little sad about.
But anyway. How does a world boss kill count as an epic achievement, especially when you need fourteen world bosses anways to get Attuned for raiding, and they spawn on a four hour timer (approximately, assuming they’re not events like the Hellrose Bowl)?
Well, it was my first ever kill on that particular boss–Scorchwing. I know, I know, he’s been around since like, Drop 3 (back in early November 2014), and we’re on Drop 5. How the hell have I not done Scorchwing?
I’m one of those people that doesn’t get lucky with meeting spawn timers. Not only that, if timers are up, I’m usually in the middle of something else. That kind of falls in the territory of being a guild leader and having a focus that isn’t particularly progression-minded. There’s also just so damn much to do in WildStar.
Some people berate the game (WildStar) for having a “lack of content” and I would whole-heartedly have to disagree. I still don’t have my “main” professions maxed out (well, the gathering ones are, but they’re the only ones). I still haven’t finished Wilderrun, Blighthaven, or Defile. Then there’s achievements to do, Contracts to complete, PvP to die in, Companions to collect…
Yeah, there’s a lot to do. So, this is an epic achievement for me, because it’s my first time on Scorchwing. It’s an epic achievement for me because I was able to make the time to do it. It’s an epic achievement for me because I had fun, and I was excited to complete it. And after all, isn’t that what makes something an achievement? Not that other people deem it as such, but that you have a personal sense of fulfillment after completing it.
Besides, who can say no to a title and another in-game achievement complete in my log?
Congrats on your achievement! So many bright colors – I love this screen shot! 😀
Thanks so much! I love the bright colors used in WildStar–even if they can get overwhelming sometimes, hehe. 🙂
Wow – that shot is like an art shop explosion! Very neat, and grats on the achievement!
C. T. Murphy
World bosses are, by definition, epic achievements since so many factors are in play. This screenshot is a chaotic mess, but I think that captures the frenzy of moments like these (and the rush of adrenaline)!
Ravanel Griffon
Think this is the best-looking epic achievement screenshot I've seen. Mine are all in dungeons and such, so everything looks dark and ugly – and there's always like loads of UI elements in the way. Usually I'm so focused on the encounter that taking a pretty screenshot is the least of my concerns, which doesn't help either. At least your (healing?) numbers are the same colour as the grass, so they're naturally camouflaged. 😀
The Iron Dagger
Wow. Do you have to wear monochrome filters before tackling every world boss?
Thanks! The spell effects in game are lots of fun. But it does hurt the fps after a while lol.
Haha, there is definitely some frenzy here, that's for sure!
I didn't think of that! They are sorry I'd camouflaged. Someone wrote up a nice screenshot how to for the NBI that had great tips and tricks I've been utilizing. You should check it out!
Pretty much. And it's to do anything. The game is just so damn bright. Even in the dark/gritty zones! Lol
Ravanel Griffon
I did read that, sadly all things I'm already doing. There's only so much you can fix with tricks.
Yeah, I had to pretty much just stop combat so I could get a shot, lol. But my death soon after was worth it. 😉
I really love this shot. It captures the heat of battle perfectly!