#IntPiPoMo 2015 Results
The List
First, I want to thank everyone who participated in the event, regardless of how many shots you shared! It was a wonderful turnout, and I’m excited to give away some great prizes to folks! Here is the list of all the blogs who participated in the event.
- Gamer Girl Confessions
- Memoirs of a Lady
- Inventory Full
- Mostly Plushies
- Floor Tank Gaming
- Moonshine Mansion
- Hey, Heatherbee!
- Adamantly Complacent
- Hello Kitsune
- Tyrannodorkus: The Blog World
- MMOQuests
- Ravalation
- Unnexussary
- I Hate Tombs!
- Starshadow
- Digital Backwoods
- Nim’s Adventures
- Soul of the Forest
- Pizza Maid
- Atheren’s Adventures
- GamingSF
- A Life More Kawaii
- Knifesedge Blogs
- Get The Girl, Kill The Baddies
- Alice Plays LOTRO
- Stylish Corpse
- I Have Touched The Sky
- Healing the Masses
- JVT Workshop
- Geeky Mama
- 26 Countless Possibilities
Some Stats
I wanted to cover some statistics on the images people shared. As I write this, I realize I should have probably taken notes on the game(s) and theme(s) people shared, but maybe that’s something to keep in mind for next year. I just want to cover general numbers.
- Thirty-one (31) total blogs participated in this challenge.
- All participants posted at least 5 images.
- Twenty-nine (29) blogs posted at least 25 images.
- Eighteen (18) blogs posted at least 50 images.
- Thirteen (13) blogs went above and beyond the 50 images.
- The highest number of posted images was 103 followed by 91 images.
The Winners
- Grand Prize – Of all participants who complete 50 photos, I will be using a RNG (random.org) to draw a winner for a $15 Steam Gift Card!
- Three Other Prizes – Of all participants who complete 25+ photos (up to and including those who make it to 50 pictures), I will be using a RNG (random.org) to draw three winners for a $5 Steam Gift Card!
- All Particpants – If you post at least 5 photos during this initiative, you’ll get a special little banner denoting you as a participant!
Congratulations to all three winners! I’ll be getting in touch soon, so keep an eye on your Twitter DM Box, or your email!
Grand Prize
And finally, the winner of the $15 Steam Game/PayPal Gift is:
Thank you again, everyone, for participating. I hope it got some folks back into their blogs, and the blogging community. I loved all the amazing shots, and I hope to continue to see some throughout the blogs as they continue!