E3 2019 Thoughts: EA/Microsoft/Bethesda
Much like last year, I’ve slowly been trying to catch up on E3 announcements, and document my thoughts on what each company has released. Just like last year, I’m behind. Illness and business are a deterrent to getting much done outside of necessity. So here’s my thoughts on the first three panels from E3 this year. I’m still working through Ubisoft, Square Enix, and Nintendo for another post.
- General Thoughts: The announcer for Star Wars was SUPER annoying.
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order: An ARPG between episode 3 and 4 sounds interesting. But at the same time, I’m not interested enough to want to pay full price. Though I do want to know more about Saw Gerrera and how he ties into everything.
- Apex Legends: It’s apparently a game that’s already out? Looks like a battle royale thing, which is not a genre I’m interested in.
- Battlefield V: I don’t particularly care about the franchise, but from what I’ve read on it, the story looks interesting enough to think of picking it up on sale.
- FIFA 20: I’m not a sports person. But I’m happy people are excited.
- MADDEN NFL 20: See FIFA 20.
- Sims 4: I can’t believe the Sims has been around for 20 years already. Island Living looks like a lot of fun. I mean, I’m behind because the packs cost so much, but… MERMAIDS. MERMAIDSMERMAIDSMERMAIDS. I guess I need to hope things go and stay on sale through my next paycheck so I can catch up and get back to playing some Sims 4! Also interested in the new magic pack. I know folks are upset that there’s no University, yet, but it’s never been one of my favorite packs in any of the Sims so far.
- The Outer Worlds: Looks pretty cool! Reminds me a bit of Fallout, but somehow looks far more interesting. I’m all for other companies trying to take on open world RPGs.
- Bleeding Edge: Competitive multiplayer. Nope. Next.
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps: Wasn’t this already announced? Regardless, I’m not a platformer fan, so I won’t be getting it. I will probably get the soundtrack, though.
- Minecraft Dungeons: Meh. I never got into Minecraft to begin with, so it’s not for me.
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order: See EA.
- Blair Witch: I’ve gotten into horror, more, as of late, and while I”m intrigued, I don’t know if I can handle a lot of first person camera jiggling and running. I’d have to watch some streams to see if it’s up my alley. I’ve also never watched the movie, so I don’t know how much it follows the plot of that, either.
- Cyberpunk 2077: I’m so torn on this. I mean, yay, Keanu Reeves, but the trailer leaves me lacking based on other cyberpunk portrayals, especially the testosterone heavy aspect of it. I’m vaguely interested, but I won’t be picking it up until I can play something other than a straight white dude as the main character. And I’m not sure if I want to pick it up at full price, yet, or not. I’m just not… SOLD on it.
- Spiritfarer: Looks really cute, but not sure if I’m interested.
- Battletoads: Not for me.
- The Legend of Wright: Maybe? What kind of game is this even? If I actually knew more about it I might be more inclined to look into it and get it? But for now, it’s a nah.
- Microsoft Flight Simulator: I know a few friends who are probably interested in this, but I am not one of those people. Flying as a passenger is rough on my motion sickness, and I have no desire to do as a simulator as a pilot.
- Age of Empires II Definitive: Again, not a game I’ll ever be interested in. RTS isn’t really my genre—it stresses me out way too much.
- Wasteland 3: Post-apocalyptic blowy-uppy RPG? Eh, I’ll pass.
- Psychonauts 2: Is this… a platformer? I mean, I know nothing about Psychonauts, but this doesn’t look like something I’d be interested in.
- LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: LEGO STAR WARS!! While I know I said I don’t enjoy platformers, there’s just something about the LEGO games that make me happy… even if I hvaen’t played much of them before except with some friends. But yes, I do want this one.
- DBZ Kakarot: So, while I watched DBZ back when it was on TV in the 90s, it was never my favorite. It was more a convenience and the fact that I was engrossed with anime as a whole because it was so new to me. I won’t get this, I’m excited for friends that are excited, but this REALLY makes me yearn for a new Sailor Moon game. I mean, we’ve had a Crystal reboot, so why not a Crystal game? Even on Gameboy or something? I’d play the shit out of it REGARDLESS of genre.
- 12 Minutes: I like the idea (time loop stories appeal to me for some reason), but don’t like the top-down way it’s presented, particularly.
- Way to the Woods: Looks kinda cute, but don’t know if it’s something I’d enjoy.
- Gears 5: Okay, so, the franchise has never appealed to me before: dudes go blow stuff up in a shooter. But with the introduction of a female protagonist, I’d be likely to give it a try, or at least watch streams to see if it’d be up my alley. Though Escape mode does look pretty cool, actually.
- Dying Light 2: A parkour zombie game…. nah. Zombies are just overdone, and I could care less about survival horror stuff. I’d rather some RPG story and substance at every turn. Action games in general are not particularly my thing unless it has a great draw from story.
- Forza Horizon 4 LEGO Expac: Forza games are not my thing, but I’m happy there’s so many folks excited about it. Wait… LEGO? LEGO expansion. That makes me happy, even if I won’t play it.
- Gears Pop Mobile Game: I don’t even know what kind of mobile game it is, but I have enough trouble keeping up with the few mobile games I do have. So no.
- State of Decay 2 Heartland: Again, zombies, though the story premises are intriguing.
- Phantasy Star Online 2: Intrigued! But that’s all I really have to say about it. Is it an XBox One exclusive? I’ll have to do more research.
- Crossfire X: What is it, a shooter? Regardless, no interest.
- Tales of Arise: Isn’t this part of the “Tales” series? I haven’t played any of them, but a lot of folks have recommended them. Might look into it!
- Borderlands 3: Yes.
- Elden Ring: I need to know more about it, but I could care less about GoT, so the George RR Martin draw for a lot of folks isn’t there for me.
- Project Scarlett: Next console? Are you freaking kidding me? I don’t even have a XBOX One. I still only have a 360.
- Halo Infinite: Has never been of interest to me. Ever. Still isn’t. Though I’d watch a movie of it if it looked like this trailer.
- General Thoughts: This is the only one I actually watched live because I wanted the ESO goodies. Also, that YEAH guy can go DIAF.
- Elder Scrolls Blades: I don’t care to play it, but glad some folks are excited for it. Neat that it’s on Switch, too!
- Fallout 76 Wastelanders/Nuclear Winter: Don’t play it. Don’t care to play it. I mean, it’s cool of them to say, “yeah we screwed up”, but at the same time, it’s not of interest to me, regardless of updates. Especially with the battle royale.
- Ghostwire Tokyo: YES! (My reaction//Manthing reaction)
- ESO: The trailer was so cool, and now I want to roll up a Necro. Though not yet. Eventually. I don’t know a lot about the Elder Scrolls universe, but having started ESO makes me want to know more outside of what I’ve picked up from Skyrim and ESO. Especially with the reactions with the trailer. I feel like I’m missing out on some lore based on character reactions.
- Commander Keen: Theme song thoughts. I’m not big on mobile games but I’m intrigued.
- Elder Scrolls Legends: Card games in general aren’t my thing. So not particularly interested in playing.
- Rage 2: Not my thing.
- Wolfenstein Youngbloods: I have only two reasons I want to play. I’ve never played any of the Wolfenstein games, but if I enjoy this one, I’d go back and pick up the others to try.
- Deathloop: It looks super cool! I definitely want to check it out.
- DOOM: I tuned out. But I’d watch it on stream if some of my fave streamers played it.