Blaugust 2019 + Streaming Tweaks
Blaugust 2019
It’s that time of year, again! Time for Blaugust, 2019 rendition! I first participated back in 2015, and then again in 2016. Blaugust disappeared for 2017, and was reborn as something a little bit new and different in 2018 (and of course I participated again!).
Blaugust is a blogging festival/challenge for all types of bloggers, and, really, all types of serialized content creators. Be sure to check out Bel’s post for full details. If writing text-heavy blog posts isn’t your thing, or even if you just need ideas on what kind of content to create, Bel recently put together a list pulling from ideas folks have previously done.
My own goals for Blaugust are a big ask compared to my current attempted schedule of one blog post a week. I am going to temper these posts with some of the ideas from Bel’s list. Things you’ll see from me here during August (that I may or may not continue in the future):
- Long, word-heavy blog posts sharing thoughts and feelings (Example)
- Screenshots from games with a paragraph or two on thoughts related to the screenshot (Example)
- VODs (from YouTube) of my Twitch streams with a paragraph of what went on during the stream (Example)
You will definitely be seeing a bunch of the VODs this month (2-3 per week). I also have a lot of screenshots I’ve been taking in ESO that will make their way into the blog this month as multi-screenshot posts. So maybe trying to post every day won’t be so much of a challenge as I am afraid it is.
Streaming Schedule Changes
Speaking of streaming, I’m contemplating adjusting my schedule again. As of now, my schedule is Sunday/Tuesday/Friday. More often than not I seem to end up cancelling Sundays. Tuesday and Friday seem to work out pretty well (vacations aside). I’d like to continue with three days, but I really feel like I need Sundays to get myself together and work on some of my other content creation. So I’m thinking/typing aloud:
- Sunday: Need to use it as a “me” day, which I don’t have many of.
- Monday: Monday Meeting Marathons at day job are definitely going to keep me from having any sort of energy. It is also raid night in WoW, and the night I typically try to do some meal prep for the week.
- Tuesday: Currently streaming, and works out well! The 7 PM EDT time works out well, too.
- Wednesday: This is date night, so streaming is pretty much out of the question.
- Thursday: I have raid, but more often than not it is a day that I work remote, so I’m thinking of trying to fit in a shorter stream before raid. Maybe just a quick two-hour thing from 6 PM EDT to 8 PM EDT.
- Friday: Currently streaming, but 8:30 PM EDT feels so late to start streaming. I mean, it’s helpful because I typically need to get some NSFW content finished and posted before I stream, but it also feels super stressful ending at midnight and still needing some down-time after streaming.
- Saturday: This is pretty much my “hang out with people” day.
So I’m thinking my new schedule will look something like this. At the very least, it’s worth giving it a try for August and readjusting as necessary.