Long Term FFXIV Goals, Redux
Phase One
It seems I write a post like this every few years after I dive headlong into FFXIV… again. This time, I’ve changed my main (different server, though my Cactuar character is still alive and well), and she doesn’t have much leveled up. So I figured creating this list to give me a loose plan on what I’d like to do would be helpful. Again.
Much like the last time I wrote a post like this, I’m maining White Mage for the instant queues and fast leveling experience so that I can get up to learning Dancer. I’m still thinking I can do quests as a Dancer but dungeon queues as a White Mage. Though we’ll see if I’m okay with the DPS queues once I get there.
Last time I wrote this, it was a six-month plan. This time, I’m writing it in phases, with no definition of timing. When I get through one phase, I move on to the next. So, without further ado, let’s look at phase one.
- White Mage to level 60
- Pick up Dancer
- Disciples of the Land to level 60 (or until I feel the urge to start leveling again)
Phase Two
By this point, I’ll have picked up the class I really want to try playing (Dancer just really hits home for me!), but I know I’ll probably need a break with MSQ and dungeon grinds. Hence the gathering at end of Phase One. I’m hoping that palate cleanse will enable me to enjoy the following.
- Dancer/White Mage to level 70
- Disciples of the Land to level 70
- Disciples of the Hand to level 30 (or until I feel the urge to start leveling again)
Phase Three
Phase two gave me another break from the MSQ grind. Plus, I really do enjoy gathering and crafting in games—they almost always end up as some of my favorite end-game content to complete. But phase three is the final push to November! The main push is to get Dancer and White Mage to level 80, assuming I’m still enjoying them. Who knows, I may have picked up a different class by then for Endwalker.
- Dancer/White mage to level 80
- Disciples of the Land to level 80
- Disciples of the Hand to level 80
- Other classes… as another goals list!