Vibing in FFXIV
Unlocks Galore
Note to self… don’t wait so damn long to unlock stuff now that you understand it! I’ve spent a lot of time so far unlocking classes, logs, mini-games, dungeons… I honestly didn’t realize I had so much sitting there in just base game(ish…) waiting for me to pick it up. I don’t want to run into the same in the expansions, so I’m going to make a concerted effort to unlock things as I go.
I’m excited, however, because I’m closing in on level 60 (still in base game) and I’m so close to unlocking almost every job! All I have left are things specifically found in Ishgard:
- Astrologian
- Dark Knight
- Machinist
Or jobs where I need to be a certain level:
- Dancer (level 60)
- Gunbreaker (level 60)
- Scholar (ACN to 30)
With all of these unlocks I’ve found, it’s a wonder that I haven’t really stuck to FFXIV prior as someone who defines themselves as a collector. I’m honestly looking forward to starting to fill out logs, collect triple triad cards, figure out what mini-pets (minions?) and mounts I can collect… oh yeah, and get those achievements I have available to me, as well.
Right now I’m still working my way through unlocking all the ARR dungeons, a la this list. I want to make sure I’ve unlocked and run them all at least once before hitting Heavensward. Same with Trials (a la this list) and Raids (a la this list).
Gold Saucer
So, one of the things I unlocked in my zerg is the Gold Saucer… and oh no. Goodbye free time. My favorite thing to do when I played on Cactuar with my ex was to do the Chocobo races (possibly because ex could’ve cared less about them). But I’m surprised with myself that I’m interested in picking up triple triad for the first time… ever. I actually played the tutorial for the first time and it’s much easier than I expected it to be? I’m not sure why I thought triple triad was this extremely difficult thing to dive into. Possibly because I was told that it was difficult and based on circumstances I never challenged it…
I’m pretty sure that I started the Hildibrand quests that I’d see folks talk about on Twitter non-stop back when 2.1-2.5 was current content. I won’t lie, I’m a bit… confused? The quest lead-in just kind of came out of nowhere, and it’s like it started in the middle of a story. All I’m left wondering is there some lore behind this whole zombie thing that I’ve missed? And is he still a zombie? Or is he Hildibrand? Is there something from before the game was turned into A Realm Reborn that I’m missing? I feel like these quests are meant to be a humorful thing, so I’m hoping I’ll get into them soon.

This thread ( https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/428369 ) kind of explains Hildibrand. He was a goofy comic relief thing from 1.0, an investigator trying to figure out what was going on. I think you can find the 1.0 cutscenes on youtube somewhere.
Oh, AWESOME! Thanks so much! I’ll have to check it out! 😀