Currently Nerding, July 2021
Dead by Daylight
Right now, Dead by Daylight is just really my go-to game on weekdays. It’s great for end-of-night gaming so I can intersperse chores and content creation tasks in between matches in a variety of ways. I mainly either do a match then walk away to handle a chore, or do things while I’m sitting in queues. It depends on the time of night, and if there are any events going on. Until they implement MMR, anyway. Queues seemed to be fairly quick during the MMR test they did a few months ago.
I’m really enjoying the story! I’m having fun working my way through all the dungeons and getting closer to Heavensward. And I’m also still completely blow away by the Corpse Groom (Tam-Tara Hard) questline… Like, to the point of needing to blog about it because I’m still mind blown. So expect that soon, I suppose!
Reading Challenges
Right now I’m digging working through reading challenges. I’m participating in a few that are yearly, and a few that are seasonal. Two upcoming ones I’m participating in are both by Creating & Co. First is an unofficial Peter Pan Retelling challenge. There are no prompts for this one—just to read four retellings during the week of August 16-22. For that one, I’m going to read:
- Lost Boi by Sassafras Lowrey
- Darling by K. Ancrum
- Peter Darling by Austin Chant
- Blood in the Water by M.A. Kersh
There’s also the Written in the Stars Readathon for September that I’m planning on participating in (see video above), but I probably won’t talk about that challenge until September rolls around.
Content Bujo
I’m trying to get better about my content creation schedule every week, since I want to make content (both my adult content and this content) something I do long term rather than my day job to better care for my mental and physical health. But to start working towards that goal, I needed a way to facilitate that without it getting lost in my personal day-to-day bullet journal. Therefore… I bought a half year B6 Stalogy and made a content bujo! It’s also an excuse for me to use up the many weekly sticker kits I have so that I can buy more.
If you want to see more of the content bujo, you can sign up to my Fanhouse for weekly posts about it. You can even get the first month free with the code: TWITCH