Gathering and Audiobooks
Like most folks, I used to watch a lot of streaming television and/or movies while playing games. But I haven’t been into watching anything streaming in over six months at this point, except maybe on a date night with Manthing.
But audio books have absolutely become my new jam. I started subscribing to Audible back in January after checking out The Hate U Give from the library on audio book. I’ve always told myself that audio books aren’t my thing… but I really think they are. The Hate U Give blew me away on audio book, and I honestly don’t think it would’ve had as big an impact on me if it wasn’t on audio book the first time I read it.
In comes Audible. I’ve been listening to paranormal romance novels mainly as of late, and the past week I’ve been rapidly working my way through Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs thanks to all the time I’ve spent gathering. It’s so fun to actually be able to pay attention to the game and listen to the book and not have to split my attention between two monitors.
Audiobooks and gathering just go together perfectly.
This is post 7/31 for Blaugust You can find out more and sign up over at Belghast’s post!