Have You Ever: Gaming Edition
This blog post has been sitting in my drafts for about a year, so I figured I’d finally dust it off and put it to use during “Getting to Know You” week!
I found this idea originally on Chasing the Four Winds, and it seemed like a fun evergreen prompt to keep in the backlog for when I needed a post on short notice. So, without further ado, let’s answer some questions about gaming!
Have You Ever…
Rage quit a game?
I don’t think I’ve ever rage quit a game? I remember walking away from games because they were getting annoying or aggravating, but I’ve never logged out of a match or dungeon, etc. in a rage.
Earned all achievements in a game?
Yep! The first I can think of off the top of my head in Hatoful Boyfriend. In fact, I think the majority of my all-achievement games are otome/dating sims.
Pulled an all-nighter gaming?
Not in a long while. Back on some WoW Expac releases back in college I did, but not since, particularly.
Livestreamed your gaming?
Of course! I’m looking to getting back into it as well. Hopefully sooner than later. Probably not until the end of the month, however, due to… life.
Pre-ordered a game?
It’s been a long while since I’ve pre-ordered a game. I think the last time I did that was back for a WoW expansion. (I sense a possible theme appearing.)
Bought a game and never played it?
Ummm… *looks at Steam library… looks at console games*
Been jump scared by a horror game?
Ugh, yes. The biggest one I can think of is probably The Park. Followed closely by Layers of Fear.
Had a set squad for a specific game?
Indeed. I used to play The Secret World, before it became Secret World Legends, with a set squad of folks. I really would like to finish it out at some point by my lonesome. I’ve never gotten past Transylvania. Maybe it’ll be something I add to my streaming rotation!
Bought a game on multiple platforms?
The only one I can think of for this is Skryim. I played a lot of it on XBox 360, mainly while mining in EVE back in the day. But I honestly haven’t played much of it on my PC. I can’t figure out why that is, though.
Got a console for the games specifically?
The only reason I got a PS Vita was to play a bunch of otome games. And that’s partially why I got a Switch. Don’t at me.
This is post 10/31 for Blaugust You can find out more and sign up over at Belghast’s post!

What a fun post concept! Maybe I shall steal, some time. 😈
Steal away at your leisure!