Stressing Over Dancer
Getting started on Dancer was a lot more difficult than I thought. The whole rotation explanation in Gamboling for Gil (the quest where you have to fight Ranaa) was beyond stressful!
Trying to figure out what I was doing on top of Gegeruju being all, “Oh, wow. This is so entertaining. Not.” was absolutely harrowing. I didn’t know what my Dancer rotation should’ve looked like, and the quest did nothing to help me figure it out. I got super emotional over the quest, and ended up looking up my single-target and AoE rotations at level 60 just to get through the quest.
Once I figured out what they should be, everything clicked and made sense. Like, why couldn’t the quest have been like that?
I’m not sure why I’m so fascinated by Chakrams, but I’m absolutely loving Dancer!
This is post 11/31 for Blaugust You can find out more and sign up over at Belghast’s post!