Master Matoya Appreciation Post
Warning: Possible spoilers ahead!
Master Matoya has swiftly grown on me. She’s just… epic?? I enjoy pretty much everything that comes out of her mouth.
Except for the gag bit where she mis-genders Alphinaud mistaking him for his twin. That was annoying. But at least it was only in a single cutscene.
She also called out the eye-change that happened with Y’shtola after she’s rescued. It had been bothering me that her eyes were so different and off putting and neither Alphinaud nor Tataru had called it out. Not even her sister noticed!
So I’m at least glad that was addressed by Master Matoya… though I still have lots of questions on that particular point.
But the point of this post is really to just say I hope one day to be an even better version of Matoya myself.
This is post 19/31 for Blaugust You can find out more and sign up over at Belghast’s post!