Spoons, Please
This is pretty much a short filler post, to be honest. Work and life have been busy, and I am just beyond drained and unable to find the time and motivation to do the things I actually want to be doing (like blogging, streaming, creating all types of content).
I’m not sure how often others run into these issues. Especially those that fall more towards neuro-normative. But after a long day at work, I do not have the physical and/or mental capacity to do much. And it was even worse when I had to go into the office and spend all that time in the car.
Lately I’ve been wondering a lot how I limped by for so long. Especially when things as they are in the world (ah, COVID) have made work environments, among other things, so different.
Anyway, I guess all that to say that I really think I’m finally heading towards my burnout limit in the current state of the world. I just wish I knew how to manage it.
Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash
This is post 27/31 for Blaugust You can find out more and sign up over at Belghast’s post!