Stream Schedule: Nov 22-28, 2021
Stream Schedule
A new week means a new stream schedule.
I’m really enjoying streaming. I’ve missed it, but I also remember it being much more difficult and draining than it has been. Though it may be less draining due to the fact that I’ve been on antidepressants just about two years, now.
I’m going to be playing some Animal Crossing: New Horizons on stream for the first time ever this week. It’s a weird week for me at work due to the fact that American Thanksgiving is on Thursday, but I should be able to make some chill ACNH happen.
Not only will it be my first time playing ACNH on stream, it will also be my first time ever using the capture card I picked up for myself two years ago. I’m crossing my fingers everything I set up tonight works okay tomorrow!
On Saturday I’ll be going back to the Flower Legacy Challenge I started. I’m having a lot of fun with it, though I feel like it’s dragging a bit because I’m on the first generation, still, and there’s no kids to cause chaos.
YouTube Thoughts
The Flower Legacy has also rekindled my interest in YouTube content. I used to create a bunch of YouTube content around WildStar (and it’s all still available on my YouTube channel for those interested), and I miss creating that kind of content.
What I think I’m going to do for now is not just export my Twitch VODs onto YouTube to archive them, but also create shorter-form videos from my Twitch streams.
One of the pieces of advice I’ve seen for content creators is to repurpose your content in other forms for other media avenues, since everyone has a preference for their content consumption. And honestly, it makes sense as a consumer of content, but it is not something I’d thought of as a creator of content.
So, if you ever miss me, or my stream schedule doesn’t line up with when you can hang out live, you’ll always be able to find it in shorter form on my YouTube channel!
That said however, make sure to follow me on Twitch, and keep an eye on either the blog or Twitter for stream schedule updates!