Unsubscribing as FFXIV Endwalker Hits
The MMO Cycle
I’ve realized over time that I go through cycles of enjoying MMOs vs moving away from them.
I used to be able to dedicate years to an MMO, and now it seems that only a few months is my limit. At least with FFXIV this time.
I started playing again in July, but haven’t logged into the game since mid-October. And a big part of that is FFXIV Endwalker.
FFXIV Endwalker
Back in August, I got myself through Heavensward and then just kind of… hit a wall. A wall of overwhelm.
I was starting to feel rushed to get to the Endwalker expansion, though much of that was pressure I was putting on myself. But it still caused some significant burnout.
So I decided to try and work on crafting and gathering, and get myself to a place where I was equal to the content I was working on at that time—Stormblood.
But then life happened, and I got back into DBD, and well… I stopped logging into FFXIV.
I thought about signing back in as Endwalker hit because I had pre-ordered it, but about that time is when I just decided to unsubscribe instead.
Unsubscribing from FFXIV
I figured as the FFXIV Endwalker expansion hit that there would be much fewer folks working through older content on alt characters or classes.
Which made me realize that getting through Stormblood for the first time would be even more of a struggle than I had already been finding it.
I also knew that I’d have an extremely difficult time avoiding spoilers for FFXIV Endwalker.
Mainly because I’m one of the few in my FC that is not at end-game. I mean, not that I truly know or play with anyone in the FC I’m in except possibly my polycule.
But as Endwalker has been out, I’ve had to mute it on Twitter to not get spoiled.
And then just thinking of the queues to play “old” content when the expansion is so new? I didn’t like the thought.
The only upside right now is that I’m not paying for a subscription for a game that I wouldn’t be able to truly get into and play anyway.
Because I’d also feel guilty for taking up someone’s spot playing “old” content (new for me) compared to the new expansion.
So, maybe in a few months queues just to login won’t be so atrocious, and working my way up to FFXIV Endwalker will be much more achievable.

Honestly, I unsubscribed too (recently). FOMO always hits me, and I *want* to play, but I’m having a lot of fun in other games already, and I just don’t have time to spread myself out that much. Plus I wasn’t Endwalker ready, even though I also pre-purchased. I feel lonely not playing what everyone else is playing, but I also know I’m perfectly content and happy playing what I am playing.
Doing what’s best for YOU is always right. <3
I definitely *want* to play as well, but I’m also just… having fun in other games as well.
You did what’s right for you and your enjoyment. I felt the same way with ESO. I. Got the new expansion for Xmas. Logged in and was lost that was after not playing for almost 2 years. It’s changed and I have no one to really play with, but I joined some of my old guilds and am plugging along at my own pace. It’s lonely but I am having fun in my own way. I even got the eso+, but paid using a gift card. If I’m not happy after the 30 days I won’t feel so bad lol.
I’ve contemplated going back to ESO, but I feel like I’d be totally lost with updates and changes and the like. I’m glad you’re having fun in your own way, but I’m sorry it’s lonely!
I’m playing endwalker, but I’m just slowly picking at it. I’m honestly more interested in getting the Poetics to use to upgrade all my jobs’ gear to i530 before beginning their leveling process so I’m running the MSQ roulette daily. This also serves to level the job I’m on. Most days I’ll also sneak in a leveling roulette and maybe even a 50/60/70/80 roulette too, but that’s a little iffy. By the time I’ve done that, though, it’s usually time for bed or something else, so I actually haven’t devoted much time to the 6.0 MSQ yet. I just barely made it past the 1st dungeon this past weekend and now need to run a duty to move on the the 3rd zone.
But I don’t like solo duties anymore since they often put you in weird situations that aren’t like the normal game or make you play as a different character or something, so I have a bit of a mental block about starting them. I have queued for roulettes while looking at the quest person I need to click to start the duty rather than actually clicking the npc in order to advance the story….
Still, I’ve got Sage and Summoner/Scholar to 80 now and have begun working on Black Mage. I suppose I’ll do Red Mage after that to finish out the magic dps role, then I’ll probably move on to bard/dancer/machinist or something. Who knows? Whims change after all 😉
And someday I’ll do that duty and move on in the MSQ too… Someday…..