TBR Lists and Reading Things
My First TBR (To Be Read) List
For the first time in my life, I have a TBR list. When I was younger and reading voraciously, I would just pick up books that I enjoyed the cover of, and worked my way through the public library that way. I didn’t particularly have a list, per se, unless it was the “summer reading list” that seems to be a common thing for US-based schools.
It is strange, in a way, to have a reading list for the first time in my life. I mean, I’d have piles of books that I “wanted to read”, but I never seemed to make my way through them as I lost my enjoyment and ability to read as I once had as a child. Which is a topic I have covered before, albeit briefly. There’s a lot of reasons I lost my passion for reading, though I don’t know that I want to drag them up, as I’m trying to heal and move forward. Regardless, it feels more right, now (than it has at any other point in my life) to have a list than just a pile of books.

I finally made myself a Goodreads account that I’ve been keeping up with (I had one or two others, but I can’t find the login information, plus I have folks I don’t converse with anymore on those and just didn’t want to deal with that possible drama) for the first time, and I’m enjoying myself. That’s where I’ve been keeping my TBR list, and it’s quite handy. But as folks (family, mainly) have heard I’ve been reading more, they’ve been suggesting books I “should” be reading. You know, all those classics and the like. My thoughts on that are summed up quite well by this image.
Starting with a favorite book and working my way through the sequels has helped tremendously with getting back into reading, and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one doing this. Tessa has mentioned using this method as a way to read more. She also mentions reading before bed, which is a habit I’m trying to get into as well. If I can get off the computer between 11-1130 at night, it only takes me 10-15 minutes to complete my bedtime routine (depending how long the dog takes to pee before I tuck her in), and I can read for at least a solid half hour, if not a full hour every night. Of course, some nights I don’t succeed and just fall into bed, but the point is that I’m making an effort each night.
To Kindle or Not to Kindle
As I begin to look at my TBR, and the number of books I don’t own, I wonder if I should start using my Kindle Fire 8 more. I’ve never been a big ebook person. Reading, to me, is much more enjoyable when I can feel the weight of the book, hear the sounds it makes as I turn pages, smell the pages… Yes, I may be a bit of a tactile reader and bibliophile. I recently Marie Kondo’d my books, though I didn’t fully follow her directions. While I was able to part with a significant number of books (specifically cook books, holy moly!), I kept some books that are on my TBR list. Marie Kondo’s method espouses getting rid of these books, because, in the end, will you ever truly read them?
That remains to be seen for me, but now that I’m getting back into reading, I highly believe I will. However, even after saying goodbye to many a book, I still don’t have all that much space for more in my apartment. Which is a problem when I have a list as long as I do to read.
Paranormal Romance
I think once I finish my current series (I’m a quarter through the final book), I’m going to start picking up some of the paranormal romance on my TBR list, starting with some I have sitting on my shelf that I never completely read. I was actually inspired to this thought by Shadowz. She wrote a post about how she’s been reading more paranormal romance books, and it reminded me how many I have sitting on my bookshelf that are unread. It’s honestly one of my favorite genres. I can’t get into your typical harlequin romance books, but I love a good paranormal romance. I even enjoy a not-so-good paranormal romance. Her post also gave me a list of authors to add to my collection/TBR.
I’ve narrowed it down to three different series to start. The Shadow series by Erin Kellison, the Demonica series by Larissa Ione, or the Amoveo Legend series by Sara Humphreys. I’m thinking I’ll start with the Shadow series, as I’ve already read the first book in the series, and have the others readily available, sitting on my shelf. Waiting. Using more of the “I’ve read some of this so it’s comfortable and easier to get back into” method, as it were. It’s a toss up whether I’ll move into Demonica or Amoveo next, or move into a different series/genre altogether. That’s the beauty of the TBR, I guess.
If you’re into Urban Fantasy, there’s a couple of series by Ilona Andrews that are worth looking into.
And yeah, I keep hearing good things about Philippa Gregory. A historical mystery series that is worth reading is by Ariana Franklin that starts with Mistress of the Art of Death.
I love historical fiction, but I just couldn’t get into Gregory’s stuff. I’ll also give Ilona Andrews a look! Thanks for the suggestion! Now, historical mystery sounds right up my alley, so I’ll look into that one, too! Thanks! 😀
Tessa ~ Narratess
If you want a little less romance (but still romance!) you could check out Josie Jaffrey’s books. I read all of the Sovereign books and loved them. Includes m/m relationship and vampires. Well written and indie published, so you’ll be supporting the author directly.
If you’re looking for more or other kinds of books, let me know and I’ll get you a few recommendations 🙂
I’ll add the Sovereign books to my TBR! I’m always open to suggestions, but I kind of fell down the rabbit hole of Goodreads a few weeks back and added a bunch of books. I’ll hit you up once I’ve worked my way through the TBR a bit and am in need of suggestions! 🙂