#Listmas: Holiday Questionnaire Fun
So I’m getting back from vacation and into the swing of things. I figured I’d take it easy and do something simple to get me back into the swing of writing. I stumbled upon this cute little questionnaire over at A Life More Kawaii, and figured I’d fill it out as a way to exercise my brain and fingers.
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Art by Momo-Deary |
Favorite holiday movie?
White Christmas is away and by far my favorite holiday movie in existence. I’ve always loved the movies that my Grandmother would play for us as kids (1950s movies and the like), and White Christmas just stuck with me. Plus, it’s Bing singing great songs.
What are 3 things on your wish list this year?
The Saga graphic novels collection, Sailor Moon Season 1 DVDs, and Sailor Moon graphic novels. Two of which I received from Chaide for Christmas, and one from my brother. I feel very lucky that they got me them. I may or may not have squeed a bunch over all of it.
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Why yes, I do have a Sailor Moon addiction. Problem? |
Does it snow where you live?
Not usually. Living in the south pretty much guarantees it’s a rare occurrence. But when we do get snow, it’s Snowmageddon.
Which winter holiday do you celebrate?
I was born and raised Catholic, so I grew up celebrating Christmas. While I consider myself more spiritual now, than following any particular religion, we still celebrate Christmas. However, I really just enjoy the season and that it tends to bring out the best in people–which really is the true meaning of the Holidays.
Worst gift you’ve ever gotten?
For Christmas? Uh, I’m not sure. I don’t think I’ve ever thought, “this is a terrible gift”. I’m always thankful that people take their time to get me something, because it’s definitely not a necessity.
Biggest pet peeve about the holiday season?
Aside from it “starting” before Thanksgiving? (Which is completely my biggest pet peeve in existence–let each holiday have its own time to shine without overlapping!) The fact that people get all righteous over the holidays. Not everyone is Christian, or Jewish, or Pagan. And while not everyone of these faiths gets uppity, the few that do are very vocal. Why can’t we all just get along and be decent human beings to each other, which is the prime teaching in every single religion?
Favorite seasonal song?
I think it goes without saying that it’s Bing’s version of White Christmas.
Would you rather it be cold and cloudy, or be kind of warm out?
I prefer cold and cloudy. Because maybe we’ll get some snow that way.
Hot chocolate or eggnog?
I used to adore eggnog when I was younger, but I think I’ve just grown out of it. I’d give it a try if it were that homemade stuff, though. Hot chocolate would have to be my answer–though it’s a year-round thing.
Favorite thing to wear during the holiday season?
Leggings! Even though I’m plus size, I love to wear leggings. Though I usually wear them with dresses because who needs “winter dresses” when you can wear summer ones with leggings?!
Anybody you’re hoping to bump into under the mistletoe?
I think mistletoe is kinda dumb. Always have. Always avoided it, and still do.
Embarrassing holiday story?
I don’t know of any embarrassing ones. Though I do remember in middle school one of the few times we had Christmas Eve at our house, my grandpa had a heart attack and had to be carted to the hospital in an ambulance…
Favorite holiday treat?
One of my grandmothers makes these “ginger cream” cookies that are to die for. But I can’t share the recipe with you–it’s a family secret. But seriously, they’re this molasses cookie with spices and icing and they’re soft and oh-so-tasty.
Latest you’ve stayed up on New Year’s Eve?
I’ve done the ball drop a couple times. Honestly, it’s not my thing. I’d rather stay up and play video games. Which I think is the plan this year, too!
Favorite holiday character?
I honestly don’t know that I have one. I can only really think of the Grinch and he’s not a favorite or anything.
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Do bird boyfriends count as holiday characters? |
What are you doing for the holidays this year?
This year we flew up to visit my family for the holidays and spent some time with them, which was very nice. Though I think next time we might make it a bit shorter because the poor cats were so upset.
Favorite pie flavor?
I know it’s a sin, but… pie really isn’t my thing. So no thanks. I’ll take some home-baked cookies!
Your favorite holiday tradition growing up?
My father’s birthday is early December, so we’d always decorate the house for his birthday, and then put the tree up a week or two later.
White lights or colored lights?
Depends on which ornaments we’re using to decorate the tree! And if we’re not doing a tree and just lights, depends on the area and the general lighting/decoration situation.
What tops your tree?
Chaide and I don’t do a tree at home (three cats…), but my parents have an angel topper that my mother made to top their tree.
Candy canes – Yum or Yuck?
I love minty things! Gum, candy canes, soft peppermint candies…
Favorite gift ever received?
Just being able to visit my family for the first time in 2.5 years was pretty much the greatest thing ever.
Favorite seasonal activity?
Does staying home and doing nothing but gaming count as a seasonal activity?
Favorite seasonal story?
I don’t really know that I have one…
Which of the “12 Days of Christmas” would you most like to receive?
I’ll take the ten lords a-leaping. Especially if they look like some sexy Otome boys. *fans self*
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I can’t wait to play this~ |