E3 2019 Thoughts: Ubisoft/Square Enix/Nintendo
And the follow up on my E3 thoughts! You can read the first part here, which covers EA, Microsoft, and Bethesda.
- Watch Dogs: Legion: Initial reaction – Oh yay, another bunch of dudes in a resistance cell in a dystopian future. Secondary reaction – GRANNY HACKER FOR THE WIN. Okay, I’m intrigued. This looks fun, and is story-driven the way I like. Also enjoyed the music. Never gotten into the IP, but this might be the tipping point for me to pick up the others to give them a whirl if I really enjoy this one. Really love the concept of how EVERY character has a story, so the replay value goes up a BUNCH. Especially if they all have unique missions to recruit them. Also speaks to my penchant for collection.
- Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet: Meh. Okay, so long as it’s not anything like Always Sunny, I might watch it on a friend’s AppleTV?
- Rainbow Six Siege: I don’t play just plain shooters. And meh, Tom Clancy.
- Brawlhalla Adventure Time Crossover: Never seen Adventure Time, and I don’t do fighting games, typically. I mean, I’ve played Smash Bros, but not a big fan of it.
- Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Nah thanks. (PUPPER! OMG Bam bam is adorable. So well behaved.)
- Elite Sqaud: Nope.
- Just Dance 2020: I’ve never played a Just Dance game before. I assume it’d be something up my alley since I loved DDR, but at the same time, not so sure.
- For Honor: Shadows of the Hitokiri: Nah.
- Rainbow Six Quarantine: Nope.
- Division 2: Yeah, not a shooter fan.
- UPlay+: Not interested.
- Roller Champions: The trailer was cute, but not interested in it.
- Gods & Monsters: I like the concept, but don’t know if it’s something I’d play.
Square Enix
- FFXIV Remake: I’m sure I’ll play it eventually. But it doesn’t have the same symbolic importance to me that it does for others who played the original when they were younger.
- Life is Strange 2: That reminds me i need to finish the others so I can get this. Because I’m looking forward to it. I love games that focus on storytelling.
- FF Crystal Chronicles: No particular interest. I’m not a die hard FF fan like so many other gamers.
- Octopath Traveler: Hasn’t it been out on Switch for a while? Oh, it’s on Steam now? Is that what the announcement was?
- The Last Remnant Remastered: I don’t have a Switch. And I’m not particularly pumped by the trailer.
- Dragon Quest Builders 2: No interest.
- Dragon Quest XI Definitive Edition: No interest.
- Circuit Superstars: No interest, but looks cute.
- Batallion 1944: Shooters aren’t my thing.
- FF Soundtracks: I’ll listen to them, they’re gorgeous music. Nice to have it on Spotify.
- KH3 Re-Mind DLC: I’ve never really gotten into the KH games, and I don’t know why, considering how much I like Disney things.
- FFXIV Shadowbringers: I’m glad so many people are so excited, but like, I still haven’t gotten past the base game.
- Dying Light 2: See Microsoft/XBox.
- Saga Games: No particular interest.
- FFBE War of the Visions: Not interested.
- Outriders: Don’t do shooters.
- Oninaki: Not interested.
- FFVIII Remastered: Like I said with VII, I don’t hold the same attachment to FF games that most other gamers do. So I don’t particularly have an interest until I decide to get into the IP outside of XIV/XV.
- Marvel Avengers: Meh. As much as I’ve enjoyed the movie as a very long and involved story, and as much as I’ll continue to watch the movies, I really don’t particularly care for most superheroes.
- General Thoughts: The gag with Bowser at the start was actually really cute and made me happy.
- Smash Bros x Dragon Quest: I don’t play brawlers.
- Dragon Quest XI Definitive Edition: See Squenix.
- Luigi’s Mansion 3: I thought I saw a trailer for this not too long ago? Regardless, I’m not interested.
- Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics: Not particularly my type of game, but would pick it up on sale to play eventually because it’s Dark Crystal.
- Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening: Like FF, Zelda isn’t an IP I got into when it came out. So I’m not particularly interested in the game. Though I’m excited for friends who are.
- Trials of Mana: It looks cute, but don’t know if I’ll play it.
- Collection of Mana: RPGs like that really haven’t been my thing outside of Pokemon and Golden Sun.
- Witcher 3: I still haven’t played any of the others, and honestly, I’d rather play them on PC than Switch.
- Fire Emblem Three Houses: I still need to play all the other Fire Emblem games. Which I think are up my alley because of the romancing options and the story.
- Resident Evil: It’s not an IP I’ve really gotten into, per se, but I do enjoy watching others play it.
- No More Heroes 3: Not interested.
- Contra Rogue Corps: Not interested.
- Daemon x Machina: Not interested. I mean, I don’t mind mecha stuff, but the game doesn’t look like my cup of tea.
- Panzer Dragoon: Not interested.
- Pokemon Sword/Shield: I kind of want a Switch for these, amongst a few other games currently out.
- Astral Chain: Not particularly interested in playing, though the trailer/story is intriguing. Maybe something I’ll watch folks stream.
- Empire of Sin: Mobster stuff isn’t something I’m interested in.
- Ultimate Alliance 3: Not interested.
- Cadence of Hyrule: Okay that looks cute, and Crypt of the Necrodancer is neat, so I could see myself playing this.
- Mario & Sonic Olympic Games: I could see myself playing this with the polycule.
- Animal Crossing New Horizons: It looks cute, but I’ve never gotten into Animal Crossing in general. I do like that Nintendo is willing to take time for games, though, even if a vocal minority is pissed.
- Quick Reel: The Sinking City looks positively cosmic horror, and cosmic horror is one of my favorite genres thanks to Secret World. (I mean, I don’t mind Lovecraft, but folks have done it better since him.)
- Smash Bros x Banjo-Kazooie: See Smash Bros x Dragon Quest.