Long Term FFXIV Goals, Updated
This post is (30/31) of the Blaugust 2019 event! You can find out more about Blaugust over at Belghast’s blog. I (Chestnut) created a Twitter list of all participants. UltrViolet created an OPML file of all the bloggers to import into your feed reader.
I originally put together a list in 2015 of what I wanted to pursue in FFXIV, but the game has changed so much (no more cross-classing, new jobs) that I wanted to do an update to streamline the list for what I hope to get done in the next six months. That, and plan out what I wanted to do as I dive back into the game since life circumstances have changed a bunch since last playing, too.
I’ve decided to change from maining a Warrior to maining White Mage (though I’m still a Conjurer), especially for the instant queues, but I plan to switch between White Mage and Dancer when I’m able to pick it up. I’m thinking I can do questing as a Dancer, and queues as White Mage.
I’m not sure I’ll get to everything on the list in six months, but it doesn’t hurt to set up an idea of a progression path.

Disciples of War/Magic
- White Mage 60
- Pick up Dancer
- White Mage 80 (simultaneously with Dancer)
- Dancer 80 (simultaneously with White Mage)
- Paladin 50
- Bard 50
- Dark Knight 50
- Scholar 50
- Summoner 50
Disciples of Land/Hand
- Fisher 80
- Botanist 80
- Miner 80
- Culinarian 50
- Alchemist 25
- Weaver 25
- Leatherworker 25
- Goldsmith 25
- Armorer 25
- Blacksmith 25
- Carpenter 25