Nerding Goals May 2020
April Recap

I set myself what I thought were some pretty reasonable goals for April. How did I do? Fair to middling.
- Inventory Management (ESO)
- Pick up the last items I need for learning crafting traits (ESO)
- Figure out where I left off in questing (ESO)
- Complete current event quest (ESO)
I didn’t even touch ESO. I realized that I had missed my opportunity to get the boxes for the month, and I was so angry with myself that I’ve done nothing but make sure the game is updated. I’m going to give myself some time to get back into it this month outside of just logging in for daily rewards, so I’m going to copy these goals into May. Except I think I’m out of luck with the anniversary event quest, so I’ll be knocking that off the list. I did figure out I was in Grahtwood, though, so that’s something!
- Start and complete Ace Attorney (Community Game-Along/Visual Novel)
- Complete current route in Sweet Fuse (Otome)
I started Phoenix Wright, but I haven’t finished it yet. So that’s going to continue onto my goals for this month. I didn’t even touch my Vita this month. I think I am going to need to set myself to completing one game per month if it is not on the computer to give myself more time to experience things at my own pace. Stretch goal for May, however, if I finish Phoenix in decent time is to complete the route in Sweet Fuse, but I won’t be putting it on my goals list.
- Complete five of the six Sunstone Volumes currently available in book format (Comics)
- Complete Song in the Silence (Reading)
- Complete one of the two books I am reading for my business (Reading)
Reading was interesting this month. It felt good to get back to something that I’ve loved so much prior in my life. Towards the end of April I did fall off the bandwagon of reading every night, which did contribute some to only reading one Sunstone volume, so I’m going to try to get back to that. I found that on nights I read before bed, I slept better overall. I did complete Song in the Silence and I’m currently 39% though the second book in the series, The Lesser Kindred. Knowing that I’ve gobbled up a novel and a half this month (almost 600 pages!), I’m going to update my pleasure-reading goals, some for May.
I also have to note that I’m kind of excited to be reading a series that I both know, and don’t. I’ve finally hit a point in the second book where I’m not necessarily remembering everything that’s going on, which means I’m finally getting to a point in the series that I’ve never made it past before. (CW: ABUSE – My ex was jealous that my best friend (then male-identifying) purchased me the third book in the trilogy, so he’d be emotionally abusive about reading, which is one of the big reasons I, well, stopped.)
I have yet to finish either book I’m reading for business, but I’ve been trying to catch-up on some admin things with my business, and get ahead with other admin things, so I unfortunately put reading and professional development on the back burner. They’re also not necessarily books that are a good relax-before-bed option, as they’re very much geared towards, well, improving my business.
I gobbled up a bunch of Stargate, and am tip-toeing into the next season of Clone Wars, so these will continue for goals in May as well! However, I’m going to need to carefully choose my Stargate goals, as I’ve hit a point in the chronology where I do a lot of jumping between series.
May Goals
- Inventory Management (ESO)
- Pick up the last items I need for learning crafting traits (ESO)
- Do a few quests in Grahtwood (ESO)
- Finish Phoenix Wright: Justice for All (Visual Novel)
- Play Muse Dash (Community Game-Along)
- Complete Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 of Sunstone (Comics)
- Complete The Lesser Kindred (Reading)
- Start Redeeming the Lost (Reading)
- Complete one of the two books I am reading for my business (Reading)
- Complete Season 5 of Star Wars: Clone Wars
- Complete Season 10 of Stargate SG-1
- Complete Season 3 of Stargate Atlantis