FFXIV,  Let's Play,  Mounts,  Sailor Moon,  Secret World,  WildStar

Chocobo Racing

This weekend, Chaide and I played a bit in the Manderville Saucer. I loved the mini-games, but didn’t bother with the Triple Triad table. Maybe I will try a game sometime this week and see if I like it or not. I’m not the best at card games, so I’m kind of hesitant.

Off to the Races

The one thing I was looking forward to the most at the saucer was the Chocobo Racing. And I found out I kind of suck at it. Most of the time I ended up in eighth place.

I did win once, but I call it luck based on how terrible I was doing the rest of the time.

The animations for winning are so adorable. I’m looking forward to getting some more racing in to learn the tracks and figure out Stamina management better. I’m also looking forward to breeding, though I don’t particularly want to retire my current Chocobo because I love her name.

Yep, that’s right. She’s named after my favorite Sailor Moon character–Black Lady. Speaking of Sailor Moon, I want to start watching Crystal again (too bad it’s blocked at work). I’ve only watched the first two episodes, so I might sit down and watch them again and write a blog post on them. I’d also really love to get the mangas eventually. Maybe they’re online somewhere for free…


We played a lot of WildStar this weekend. Saturday evening was “Dungeon/Adventure Day” where we ran about ten total dungeons/adventures with all of the groups that we had running in-guild (not all at the same time, mind). Sunday we did much of the same, plus some dailies. It was lots of fun to hang out with guildies and start back up on finishing the reputation for Crimson Badlands.

On one of the dungeon runs, we had the Torine Headdress mount flair drop, and I happened to win the greed roll. It looks quite fabulous on my War Woolie. He now has a feather crown. 😀


I’ve been enjoying creating Let’s Play videos so much that I’m going to be doing a Let’s Play of Shadowrun: Returns (and the player-created campaigns) weekly over at QueueTimes! There’s a lot of great folks over there from the WildStar and gaming community in general, so you should check them out.

Chaide and Chestnut Play TSW (With Cam!)

Speaking of Let’s Play videos, I’ll be adding another to the repertoire here on the blog. Chaide, Camara (a guildie from WildStar) and I have all picked up The Secret World and are playing together, so I’ll be posting those every so often here as well.


  • Jon Camp

    Looking forward to seeing the TSW vids! It's not a game I play too mcuh anymore, but I do pop in from time to time.

  • Chestnut

    I'm hoping to get a TSW vid up sometime this evening. 🙂 What we've been playing I enjoy, but I've also played it before and remember bits and pieces of it.

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