October ’18 Gaming Goals
August (& September) Rambly Recap

The way I used to do these posts was as two separate entities—one post recapping how I did the prior month, and then a second post outlining my goals for the current month. Honestly, for sanity’s sake (and because I really don’t like having multiple small posts that are kinda pointless to anybody but me), I’m condensing them all to one post, now.
If you’d like a recap of what the specific goals were for August (which I carried into September due to a very stressful move), you can check them out here. I’m only going to discuss how I did meeting each section that I laid out.
So I learned the hard way that with the Double Agent and Quintessential Quintet achievements that they’d been changed in the pre-patch. So they’ll still stay on my list of “achievements to work on” but get moved around to a lower priority, I think. I also never got anywhere with obtaining flying in Draenor—life saw to that.
I also didn’t get any alts up to 110 except Macadamia whom I’m slowly working on leveling up as my second 120, pretty much solely for the fact that she can make bandaids and I need bandaids for mid-combat because I’m a warrior.
Because life was crazy and hectic and draining, I also never even logged into Secret World Legends, or touched an ARPG for August’s Community Game-Along, though I do still want to poke into some Diablo 3 for the first time*, and so maybe I can have a game to play with Manthing occasionally (y’know, we still haven’t gamed together… XD). I also never got to do anything for September’s Community Game-Along, but I didn’t really game much in September to begin with.
I also never logged into FFXIV. At this point, honestly, I’ve let my subscription lapse (partly because I haven’t had the time or energy to change my card information after having my bank account hacked on top of dealing with all the address and card changes from my move). I think I’ll pick it back up in December, but we’ll see. Also, a lot of those goals are moot because cross-classing is no longer a thing, I learned, thanks to Rakuno.
October Gaming Goals
Guys, it’s October. So what does that mean? HALLOWEEN EVENTS AND SPOOPY GAMES!! Though, I pretty much completed all the Halloween stuff in WoW last time around, so there’s not much spoopy MMO things to do. But that just means more time for spooky games on stream?
World of Warcraft
- Disturbing the Peace achievement
- Level Macadamia to 115
- Level Chest-Dwarf to 112
- Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One achievement
- Explore Tiragarde Sound achievement
- Explore Drustvar achievement
- Revered with Champions of Azeroth reputation
- Reach Exalted with one BfA reputation
- Zandalari Blacksmithing 150
- Zandalari Cooking 150
- Zandalari Fishing 150
- Archaeology 950
- Finish side missions in Egypt in Secret World Legends
- Play some Diablo 3, finally
- Participate in #HorrorGameOct as a part of the Community Game-Along