Ambition If you haven’t been keeping up with my (admittedly somewhat-dead) Twitter the past six months, you probably think I just fell off the face of the Earth. To some degree, that’s true of my vanilla life. That’s because I’ve been working on some new hustle I’m excited and ambitious about. For those that have been around for a while, it may not come as a surprise that I’ve taken up online sex work and have started modeling. It’s just a natural extension of finding me (especially over the past almost three years). I try not to overwhelm folks on my vanilla social, and by extension blog, with this information…
Battle of the Mold
This post (14/31) is part of the Blaugust Reborn event! You can find out more about the event at Belghast’s blog. I (Chestnut) created a Twitter list of all participants. Armagon created an OPML file of all the bloggers to import into your feed reader. I’ve been a bit preoccupied as of late, which has put me behind with Blaugust (if you hadn’t noticed). And I just needed to do a bit of, well, bitching. So please feel free to skip this post! It all started on July 20th, when this happened… FML. pic.twitter.com/H2SqdKAJHo — Chestburster 👽 (@ChestnutPlays) July 21, 2018 Which then resulted in this starting on August 2nd,…
Depression and Streaming
When Depression Hits I’ve never shied away from talking about how I suffer from depression and anxiety. I may not always get into full-blown details, but it has never been something that I hide. It has, however, been very intense the past month or so. Which in turn has been making it difficult to do even basic things. You may have seen me talk about “spoons” on Twitter (relating back to Spoon Theory). I honestly prefer “Spell Theory”, though, if I’m explaining it to my nerdier friends. Well, on a typical weekday basis, I have a lot to do—get up for work, prep food for work, take care of the…
My Bujo Journey, Part 2
The “before”. This is the second part of my post on bullet journaling. To get a background on what I’ll be covering in this post, head on over to the first part! A look at my system before Bullet Journaling was pretty revealing. I was spending way too much time and energy trying to stay organized, rather than actually being organized. So I decided to try the bujo method after hearing about it from Jaedia. The Bullet Journal Method You can watch this nifty video on Bullet Journaling to get an idea on what it’s all about. But the TL;DR is—”[it] is a customizable and forgiving organization system. It can…
My Bujo Journey, Part 1
Image from PopSugar I’m a big to do list/day planner person. It’s one of the things that helps me stay organized, and I use it as a way to assist with my depression and anxiety as a part of my cognitive behavioral therapy. In layman’s terms, I use planners and lists to help manage my thoughts and feelings as a way to make healthier and safer choices for myself. I’m also big on writing things by hand. It helps me stay focused, and keeps me more grounded in what I’m doing. It’s also cathartic when I can just write and write. In a way that’s different than typing. While typing…
The “Gimme” List
You Need a Budget In an attempt to reorganize my life almost-post-divorce and get expenses under control, I’ve gotten back into hardcore budgeting, which is something I let fall by the wayside for a long time with a two-income household (for many reasons that are really a moot point at this juncture). A while ago, I saw a blog post go by from Liore about this neat program called You Need a Budget, or YNAB for short. It plays to the “envelope method” (though, complete disclosure, I do “borrow” from envelopes to cover other envelopes, which is supposedly a no-no to the envelope method theory) of budgeting but utilizes a…
It’s Chestnut!
I’ve been going through a tough time in real life due to some things. It’s been affecting everything—my gaming, my blogging, my ability to adult. It’s why even though I have all these draft posts I’ve only barely made it through posting gaming goals, recently. I finally word vomited about it to some folks because I just couldn’t hold it in anymore, and one of those folks made me a pic of my WildStar character just because. Artwork by Deep Triviality (Patreon Page) Doesn’t it look just like my main? And she does have green eyes, I just don’t have a screenshot of that surprisingly. I’ve always been a proponent…
Creative Blogger Award
Way back in February, the amazing Pizza Maid nominated me for the Creative Blogger Award. I had a draft post half written once I noticed it in early March (d’oh! I’m so bad at my feed reader sometimes!), but then forgot about it when work ramped up, and here we are! Pizza is someone that I happened to meet thanks to the ever-present #BelEffect, and we kind of hit it off with our shared love of Sailor Moon. She has since introduced me to the rabbit hole that is the world of Otome, and here we are, chatting daily on Twitter about whatever floats our boat. She’s a wonderful person,…
Sunday Scale and Star Wars
Sunday Scale Sandrian over at Aeternus Gaming is doing this personal challenge that she’s labeled Sunday Scale. What she’s doing is something I am also doing—weighing in on the first Sunday of every month and rewarding myself accordingly for hitting a goal. I found that weekly just doesn’t work for me and stresses me out and defeats the purpose of losing weight, so I was going to go down to once-a-month anyway. But, I felt that we could at least support each other, and hopefully make it a little bit easier! I’m going to be super candid with you guys about this. First, this is a really tough topic to…
Friendships in Gaming
In Remembrance The past three years, December 5th has been a bit of a tough day. One of the people I hold in the highest esteem from my days in EVE Online passed away due to cancer, and his birthday is always a tough day (granted, it doesn’t help when Facebook goes “HEY! Wish your friend a Happy Birthday!”). We knew he was sick, and going in for surgery for unrelated issues, and we knew he had cancer, but it grabbed him hard and fast without much time for treatment. Thulle was one of those guys who is gruff and off-putting at first encounter. An asshole, if you will. But…