Stream Schedule: April 18-24, 2022
Stream Schedule I had every intention to stream last week, but I fell through on my stream schedule due to a very long “quell well” (work week). I also thought I would be up to streaming multiple days this week, but then I forgot to take my afternoon dose of antidepressants today. So to be on the safe side, my stream schedule this week is just going to stay at one day. I thought about teasing an impromptu stream on Thursday or Friday, but I’m not sure how missing a dose will affect me this week. I also have a fair bit of stuff to complete on Friday for work…
Stream Schedule: Mar 28-Apr 3, 2022
Stream Schedule Normally I would have liked to post my stream schedule for the week on Monday. However, I’m dealing with some medication changes, and wanted to make sure I was really feeling up to streaming this weekend come the middle of the week. So far, I think I’m good to go! I’m going to be picking up where I last left off with the Flower Legacy Challenge. Our second generation heir is now a toddler, and we have some goals to finish for our founder, Rose. I’m thinking of doing a small Just Chatting segment to start, and then jumping in to chill and cozy Sims. I hope you’ll…
Stream Schedule: March 7-13, 2022
Stream Schedule Monday means a stream schedule post! I plan on streaming Saturday with some cozy Sims 4. I want to get some time in with the Flower Legacy Challenge family! This past week got out of hand more than I thought it would. I was dealing with some dosage changes to my antidepressants, and it made streaming well beyond my capabilities on Saturday. Good news is that I’m being brought back down to the dose I was initially on (and doing well with), so I’m hoping that I’m leveled out for streaming this weekend. If I still don’t feel 100%, I would like to try going no-cam, or even…
Stream Schedule: Feb 28-Mar 6, 2022
Stream Schedule I ended up needing to take off January and February, but I’m back with a new stream schedule for the week! I’m really trying to get back into it, even if it’s only one day a week. I miss it something fierce. This week I’m only going to do one day because I have quite a few meetings at day job this week as I wrap up some projects. I’m hoping that this bodes for a bit of a more normal work load so that I can get back to streaming more than once a week. But I’m not going to try to push myself too hard or…
Stream Schedule: Jan 17-23, 2022
Stream Schedule Another week, another stream schedule! I spoke too soon last week when I said that the week was looking more manageable. So I’m knocking on wood this week before I even begin. Like last week, I’m going to be doing some chill Animal Crossing on Thursdays. I really want to start fiddling around with Island Designer even if I have no idea what I want to do. I’ll also be continuing my Sims 4 Flower Legacy Challenge on Saturday. There’s just something about playing this challenge on stream that’s invigorating to me. I’m looking forward to it! Butt-Kicked by Life I have every intention of streaming as I…
Stream Schedule: Jan 10-16, 2022
Stream Schedule I’m back to content with another stream schedule! Last week was excruciatingly long, but this week is looking more manageable. So I’m going to try to stream two days this week—Thursday and Saturday. I’ll be doing some chill Animal Crossing, and trying to design my island for the first time ever on Thursday. Saturday I’ll finally be continuing my Sims 4 Flower Legacy, and I’m so excited to finally get back to it! I might stream a bit longer than 3 hours if I really get into it. Which I expect I might. YouTube is Coming Speaking of my Sims 4 Flower Legacy, I’m finally going to start…
Currently Nerding, December 2021
Nerding Out Over Reading So far this month I have finished six books… which is more than most months this year, and I still have a few days left. Granted, one or two of those books were a DNF read (did not finish), but I’m also trying to be better about giving myself permission to DNF books. Which may or may not become another post in the future. I also got myself a new reading chair! I used to have a papasan chair there (it’s now in the living room), but it’s just not comfortable for long periods of time. I’ve been eyeing these oversize circle/oval chairs for a while,…
Stream Schedule: Dec 6-12, 2021
Stream Schedule How is it December already? I don’t understand. But here we are. And with a new stream schedule for the week. I really hated missing stream on Saturday, but my depression and lack of spoons got the best of me… followed by a migraine that evening. So I’m going to try to stream two days this week instead to make up for missing Saturday’s stream. Since I finally unlocked K.K. in Animal Crossing, I can officially build on my island! So that’ll be the focus of Thursday’s stream… though I have no idea where to begin or what to do. But I’ll figure it out as I go.…
Stream Schedule: Nov 29-Dec 5, 2021
I feel like I’m finally starting to get into a bit of a groove with this whole stream schedule thing. I’m surprised that I’m actually enjoying streaming Sims, as well. So much so, I decided to introduce my founder in a blog post, and start putting my current playthrough on my YouTube in shorter form videos. This week, though, my stream schedule consists of a single streaming day—what I’m now referring to as Sims Saturday. I have a bunch of things to attend to this week at work, and add on top of it multiple doctor appointments. Doctors are draining at the best of times, and going to the doctors…
Sims 4 Flower Legacy: Rose Darling
Sims 4 Flower Legacy I’ve been having a lot of fun on stream as of late playing the Sims 4. As I’ve mentioned before, I love the ideas presented in the typical Legacy Challenge (started by Pinstar). But the well-known legacy challenge has far too many rules for me to just have fun playing The Sims and enjoying the story my Sims create. I knew that I wanted to get back into playing Sims, but I didn’t know where to start. So I browsed the extensive list of challenges on the Sims 4 forums, and found the Flower Legacy Challenge. While it provides a bit more guidance than I am…