• Blog Azeroth,  RP,  WoW

    BAST: Character Identity

    This past week, Aka‘s Shared Topic was proposed over at BA:ST: How does your character define themself? What part of their identity is most important to their personality and self-presentation?In meatspace, we have so many affiliations, it’s anyone’s guess whether we consider ourselves a tuba player first, or a student, a Gators fan, a New Yorker, a mother, a nerd, a liberal. Our identities are comprised of so many different aspects of life that it’s hard to tell which parts different people will choose to define themselves.In game, there are less game-related ways to identify.You can identify as:your class – your specyour race – a particular subgroup (Mag’har, Wildhammer)your faction…

  • Blog Azeroth,  Life

    BAST: Cooking Recipe IRL

    This past week, Kallixta‘s Shared Topic was proposed over at BA:ST: Have you ever attempted a WoW cooking recipe IRL? Have you found someone else’s recipe and tried to follow it?There have been folks that have used their own Unidentified Cooking Utensils to produced recipes and some have worked better than others. Share yours!Or perhaps you can follow a recipe. but not create one and there is this fascinating recipe that you need created for you by someone with the right skills?The reverse might also be a consideration: What IRL foods are missing in Azeroth? I know I’m a little late on the topic (seems to be a trend with…

  • 20 Days of Warcraft,  WoW

    20 Days of… Favorite Items in Game (Day 5)

    This is Day 5 of Saga’s 20 Days of… WoW Blogging Challenge! This one is a tough one for me. I’ve already written a post about my favorite weapons for BAST, so that’s out of the picture. My absolute favorite items, the letters I get from the Elephant attached to everyday items are hard to link to on Wowhead. My next favorite would have to be the letters from various NPCs that came with various achievements and rewards. Those are also somewhat hard to link to, but after looking at the letters I’d saved, I picked out my favorite letter (even if the mount that came with it can’t be…

  • 20 Days of Warcraft,  Shade of the Elm

    20 Days of… Best WoW Memory (Day 4)

    This is Day 4 of Saga’s 20 Days of… WoW Blogging Challenge! Throughout my time in WoW, there have been a lot of memorable moments, from downing bosses with my guildies to spending time with the Elephant, to earning achievements with my friends and more. However, there’s a few in particular that still strike me as moments where I go, “Wow! That was great! I’ll always remember that!” And, since a picture is worth a thousand words, I have a few. 😀 Shade of the Elm’s first ever Yogg-Saron kill. Something we’ll always remember. And extra special because… …we got our 10 man drakes! The RP at the end of…

  • Raiding,  Shade of the Elm,  WoW

    Wait, What’s the Word Again?

    The bird IS the word. The birds before Alysrazor, that is. Our guild doesn’t do research on trash. We like to kind of figure it out on our own. Except that the birds before Alys completely stumped us. Even after multiple attempts. I won’t ruin the gimmick mechanic of the fight for those that don’t want to know, but all I can say, is that is the most fun I’ve had on trash in a very long time! Alys is also quite fun… compared to Lord Rhyolith. Rhyo can suck an egg. We must have a busted strategy or fail drivers because he is not getting past 30%, despite our…

  • 20 Days of Warcraft,  WoW

    20 Days of… First Day Playing WoW (Day 3)

    This is Day 3 of Saga’s 20 Days of… Wow Blogging Challenge! As much as anyone hates to admit it, we were all complete n00bs when we started out in MMOs, whether it be EQ, Rift, or WoW. I was definitely a nub when it came to WoW. I’d watched some friends at college play, and had been interested in playing for a while, but resisted. Obviously, resisting failed. I still remember what I was doing the first time I played WoW. Morgayn and Calin A friend gave me a Free Trial card, and while cleaning my room one day while getting ready to pack for college, I downloaded the…

  • Info,  Life,  The Sims

    And, we’re back!

    I know it was a while, but the Elephant and I are finally settled in (for the most part) and life has calmed down (after this Wednesday, anyway… defending my thesis equivalent! YIKES!). But, I’m back! I can’t wait to start back on BA topics. I’ve missed them so much. And the community. While I’ve been following my favorites, I haven’t had much time outside of life and raid to even comment. Which makes me quite sad, considering there have been some awesome topics out there since my mini-hiatus. Expect a post from me this week on the new BA topic! 😀 Really happy to be back. Also, I’ve gotten…

  • Info,  Life

    Life Changes

    This is just a quick little update and heads up for any followers that I may be MIA for a few weeks. (Man! And I’m already behind on BA entries and Saga’s challenge too!) The Elephant and I are in the process of moving while finishing our school semesters and working. I would honestly really like to take a break every so often from the hectic activity that is packing your life up and blog, but I cannot guarantee such an action. Hence the little notice. I will officially be back mid- to late-April, with another “official” notice. But, if I blog before then, I will be one happy camper.…

  • Raiding,  Shade of the Elm,  WoW

    Shade of the Elm: 10/12

    I wanted to once again give a quick shoutout to my guild for downing Cho’gall last night. We spent a total of fifty-something attempts trying to down his butt, and it was very rewarding for everybody involved to crack that mutha. I just wish I’d been able to grab a better screenshot!!!In no particular order: Sellkies, Kanati, Sbayi, Wrink, Foolish, Wind, Bob, Mana, Chaide, ChestSpecial thanks to: Everybody whom ever spent a wipe or two or more on Cho with us! I also wanted to congratulate our new raiding group, “Avengers of the Elm” (they go in and smash things for vengeance on the group that starts the day before….…

  • 20 Days of Warcraft,  Info,  Life

    20 Days of… Why I Decided to Blog (Day 2)

    This is Day 2 of Saga’s 20 days of WoW Blogging challenge! Been a tad behind in keeping up with this, but now that things have [slightly] normalized with school, I’m back to blogging! I started blogged way back in 2001 with DeadJournal with my best friend, and then migrated soon after over to LiveJournal as soon as a friend from school got me a code to join. I was always on there–lurking in the communities, joining a few here and there, and updating like mad, thinking that people cared all about my life. It was sort of the precurser to MySpace, come to think of it. Though, it was…