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Nerding Goals April 2020

Gaming Goals

Sometimes I wish the Augur could narrate my life.

Like many games bloggers out there, I’ve been noting my gaming goals for a while (I was surprised to see it went as far back as when I started this blog… so much has changed but some things remain, it seems). Then in August of last year I changed up the format of how I’d be doing them.

Normally I’d be keen to come up with some gaming goals. However, I’m not at a place where I’ve been doing a lot of gaming. And it’s been that way for a while. Which puts me at a loss to what I even want to tackle outside of a few select gaming things to ease me back into gaming for both fun and content creation.

April Nerding Goals

I decided to change it up—again. I’m going to start calling them Nerding Goals, and include other various geeky and nerdy pursuits, like visual and written media consumption.

Some of these goals may seem simple to you, but some link back to what Roger over at Contains Moderate Peril has deemed as “gaming amnesia“. Not just that, but depression screws with one’s memory, and I am at a disadvantage for picking up content I was in the middle of ages ago. The bright side of this being my brain is having an easier time remembering current media, so it should make things going forward a lot easier to come back to, and to complete.

Anyways, without further ado, here’s my list for April in no particular order.

  • Inventory Management (ESO)
  • Pick up the last items I need for learning crafting traits (ESO)
  • Figure out where I left off in questing (ESO)
  • Complete current event quest (ESO)
  • Start and complete Ace Attorney (Community Game-Along/Visual Novel)
  • Complete five of the six Sunstone Volumes currently available in book format (Comics)
  • Complete current route in Sweet Fuse (Otome)
  • Complete Song in the Silence (Reading)
  • Complete one of the two books I am reading for my business (Reading)
  • Complete Season 9 of Stargate SG-1
  • Complete Season 4 of Star Wars: Clone Wars
This is post 5/31 for Blapril. You can find out more and sign up at Belghast’s original post. You can view those participating on Twitter via the Twitter list I put together. Nogamara of Battlestance has put together an RSS feed of all Blapril participants.


  • Cali

    I’m so bad at setting gaming goals for myself. Something about a structured list of things to do with my leisure time makes me feel overwhelmed and not want to do it at all.

    • Chestnut

      That’s a completely valid take! I thrive on to-do lists in general (thank you, anxiety), so having a list makes it less overwhelming to try and pick something to do with my leisure time. Otherwise, I just end up sitting there, twiddling my thumbs, or binging something I’ve already watched a thousand times.

    • Chestnut

      I’ve enjoyed the bits I’ve played! I just haven’t ever had the opportunity to finish it for a myriad of reasons. I’m looking forward to trying to finish it this month!

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