Stream Schedule: Dec 13-19, 2021
Stream Schedule I’ve pared down the stream schedule for this week. I have a fairly busy week ahead of me at work, and I also need to carve out a bit of time to start getting ahead on some adult content creation. So instead of two streams this week like I had initially planned, I’m only going to do one. And there’s no Sims stream on the schedule this week either. While I would love to chill and continue my Flower Legacy Challenge, I have weekend plans to stay in and chill with Manthing. This week I plan to just stream some chill Animal Crossing on Thursday. As I mentioned…
Stream Schedule: Dec 6-12, 2021
Stream Schedule How is it December already? I don’t understand. But here we are. And with a new stream schedule for the week. I really hated missing stream on Saturday, but my depression and lack of spoons got the best of me… followed by a migraine that evening. So I’m going to try to stream two days this week instead to make up for missing Saturday’s stream. Since I finally unlocked K.K. in Animal Crossing, I can officially build on my island! So that’ll be the focus of Thursday’s stream… though I have no idea where to begin or what to do. But I’ll figure it out as I go.…
Stream Schedule: Nov 29-Dec 5, 2021
I feel like I’m finally starting to get into a bit of a groove with this whole stream schedule thing. I’m surprised that I’m actually enjoying streaming Sims, as well. So much so, I decided to introduce my founder in a blog post, and start putting my current playthrough on my YouTube in shorter form videos. This week, though, my stream schedule consists of a single streaming day—what I’m now referring to as Sims Saturday. I have a bunch of things to attend to this week at work, and add on top of it multiple doctor appointments. Doctors are draining at the best of times, and going to the doctors…
Stream Schedule: Nov 22-28, 2021
Stream Schedule A new week means a new stream schedule. I’m really enjoying streaming. I’ve missed it, but I also remember it being much more difficult and draining than it has been. Though it may be less draining due to the fact that I’ve been on antidepressants just about two years, now. I’m going to be playing some Animal Crossing: New Horizons on stream for the first time ever this week. It’s a weird week for me at work due to the fact that American Thanksgiving is on Thursday, but I should be able to make some chill ACNH happen. Not only will it be my first time playing ACNH…
Stream Schedule: Nov 15-21, 2021
Surprise! Another week, another stream schedule. Like I mentioned last week, I’m only pushing myself to stream once a week with a focus on Saturdays to focus on my mental health and balance work/life. When I started planning my stream schedule for this week, I had really wanted to try playing some DBD on Thursday. But the work week started off wild, and I didn’t know if Thursday would work out. But then it came out that streamers on Twitch have been DDoS’d, doxxed, and swatted thanks to a vulnerability in Dead by Daylight that shows IP addresses. Of course Behaviour put out a statement, but it’s nothing but, “we…
Stream Schedule: Nov 8-14, 2021
Look! I have a stream schedule for this week! I know I keep saying I’m coming back to streaming, but I am actually back this week! Right now, I’m only pushing myself to do one stream a week, focusing on Saturdays. This is to help balance everything on my plate with both day job and adult work, while also making an effort to take care of my mental health. I haven’t picked up Sims in a while, so I thought this week I’d try getting back into it with a pared down Legacy Challenge—The Flower Legacy Challenge! While I love the idea of the basic Legacy Challenge, I find it…
Blaugust 2019 + Streaming Tweaks
Blaugust 2019 It’s that time of year, again! Time for Blaugust, 2019 rendition! I first participated back in 2015, and then again in 2016. Blaugust disappeared for 2017, and was reborn as something a little bit new and different in 2018 (and of course I participated again!). Blaugust is a blogging festival/challenge for all types of bloggers, and, really, all types of serialized content creators. Be sure to check out Bel’s post for full details. If writing text-heavy blog posts isn’t your thing, or even if you just need ideas on what kind of content to create, Bel recently put together a list pulling from ideas folks have previously done.…
Streaming: Week of August 5
This post (5/31) is part of the Blaugust Reborn event! You can find out more about the event at Belghast’s blog. I (Chestnut) created a Twitter list of all participants. Armagon created an OPML file of all the bloggers to import into your feed reader. As I’ve mentioned before in regards to my streaming, I’ve been dealing with a pretty rough patch of depression. But one of the goals I set for myself for the month was to stream once a week to get back into the swing of things. Even if that’s all I do until I get settled in a new apartment sometime in September. Sunday’s stream counted…
Depression and Streaming
When Depression Hits I’ve never shied away from talking about how I suffer from depression and anxiety. I may not always get into full-blown details, but it has never been something that I hide. It has, however, been very intense the past month or so. Which in turn has been making it difficult to do even basic things. You may have seen me talk about “spoons” on Twitter (relating back to Spoon Theory). I honestly prefer “Spell Theory”, though, if I’m explaining it to my nerdier friends. Well, on a typical weekday basis, I have a lot to do—get up for work, prep food for work, take care of the…
Streaming: Week of July 15
A new week means a new stream schedule! Last week, my depression hit me hard, so I didn’t particularly do much gaming in general. Today doesn’t feel much better on that front, but I’m hoping it evens out a bit for the week. Due to not being able to stream due to health, I never did my 100 follower giveaway. So I plan on doing that on Sunday the 22nd @ 4:30PM EST/8:30PM GMT while I stream some more Life is Strange! The giveaway is for a $10 USD steam code giveaway. If you’d like to participate, you must be following my Twitch page, and you must be in chat…