August ’18 Gaming Goals
This post (4/31) is part of the Blaugust Reborn event! You can find out more about the event at Belghast’s blog. I (Chestnut) created a Twitter list of all participants. Armagon created an OPML file of all the bloggers to import into your feed reader. Like many other bloggers participating in Blaugust, I am one to set gaming goals. I won’t go into reasons why, at this particular moment, only because I was inspired by someone else who doesn’t do gaming goals to go into a deeper explanation on why I create them! This post is also a “get the post in for the day” type deal, as I’m having a…
Nov ’17 Gaming Goals
Starting Back Up This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo 2017. You can find more information and sign up for participate here. I used to do a thing where I put together gaming goals every month. And then I fell off the blogging and gaming bandwagon for a good while. These gaming goals help keep me from floundering around in gaming, and focus my limited free time so I just don’t sit there and scroll through Facebook. The Goals She’s totally sure they’ll all get done… Without further ado, here’s my gaming goals checklist. World of Warcraft “Well Read” achievement “Friend or Fowl?” achievement Level a fourth 110 (towards “Quintessential…
2017 Game-Along Choices, Part 1
The Community Game-Along Initiative Image by Chic Pixel Last year, I stumbled upon the Community Game-Along via #DatingSiMonth, and thought it was something really cool to try out. It’s back again, for the fourth year, hosted by Chic Pixel once again. But this year has some different categories to choose from for gaming. Like last year, I want to try to plan out what to play, and look for suggestions from others if I’m feeling stumped on what to play, or if I’m not digging what I choose to play. The platforms I have available to me, currently, include: X-Box 360 (not my favorite system) Nintendo DSi Nintendo DS (original—able…
#DatingSiMonth and Streaming
#DatingSiMonth Image from Chic Pixel Just like last year, January was #DatingSiMonth. This is a part of the Community Game-Along that Chic-Pixel has put on for the past four years! I sort of participated throughout the year last year, but got sidetracked by real life. This year, I’m hoping to be able to participate more. And starting up in January with Dating Sims always gets me in the mood to continue. Because, really, how can you go wrong with Dating Sims, right? I ended up playing a combination of Sweet Fuse, Seduce Me 2, and Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya throughout the month. I totaled only six hours of Dating Sims,…
Gaming Goals: May
I started these Gaming Goals posts back in June 2015 as a way to try to organize my gaming time around freelance obligations as well as my day-job and general life obligations. You can view the archive of goals and reviews here. Richard expects me to do well this month. I meant well in March, and then never made goals because real life got extremely overwhelming. May is kind of in-between overwhelming and lots of free-time at the moment. My weekends are fairly free (minus D&D), but my weeks are really busy. So I’m going to try to take it light on goals–especially because ThaydFest is a thing this month. The Secret World…
Community Game-Along Game Choices, Part 1
Community Game-Along Image by Chic Pixel Not too long ago I mentioned stumbling upon the Community Game-Along challenge for 2016, which featured dating sim games for January. This has apparently been put on for a few years by Apricot Sushi, and I figured why not try it out? But looking at the list, some months are going to be much easier than others. And some I just might need some suggestions, so I hope folks have some! I wanted to lay out what I wanted to play, though, so it was easier to keep track of why I had specific games in my Steam library, for instance, or which games…
#DatingSimonth: Men of Yoshiwara
#DatingSimonth Image from Chic Pixel So apparently I missed the memo, but there’s this really cool initiative going around for 2016 called Community Game Alongs. And this month, it happens to revolve around dating sims! How did I miss this?! Having just gotten into Otome, I’ve been devouring everything I could find, buying up any I could find on Steam with great deals, and generally building a collection so I always have one to play if I don’t feel like playing on Mobile. And looking at the rest of the schedule, I can see myself participating in quite a few more of them, especially after I buy myself a Vita…