• Life,  WildStar

    Living Legend

    Real Life I haven’t had much time to game, this week, aside from Monday. I had my hair touched up on Tuesday, and Wednesday I had an interview for a prospective job. My next step is to create a project in a specific time period, which has significantly cut into my gaming time, because, well, I can’t work on the project at work… But I miss my gaming! Hopefully after I hand it in (Wednesday at the latest), I’ll get in a good chunk of gaming. WildStar So, if you didn’t know by now, WildStar is going Free to Play. Not here, but man oh man was social media/forums rife…

  • Console,  Doctor Who,  Life,  SWTOR,  Television

    Third Sub

    Gym Battle The long weekend was pretty nice. I have found that when I have more time to spend with Chaide, the less likely I am to take the time to blog. Which is great, because I love spending time with him, but I don’t take the time to do something else I love, and won’t take all that much time away from hanging out with him. Ah, the dilemma. Anyway, this weekend I decided that I really needed to join a gym. Working out at home has turned into not working out at home. And my back is paying for it. To the point where I was considering seeing a…

  • Life

    The Past Week

    So, if you didn’t already know, my mother was in town last week. As such, there was no gaming, and very limited social media. Yup. I actually spent time with my Mommy! I mean, I hadn’t seen her in close to two years. So she kind of deserved all of the attention Chaide and I could give her. Even if it meant doing some binge-watching of House of Cards. FYI, this post is going to be full of photographs, so I apologize for load times ahead of time. Weekend She arrived in town Saturday, and we spent the day just kind of chilling, and getting her car to the shop because…

  • Console,  Life,  WildStar

    Drop 5 Shenanigans

    So this past week in WildStar has been a lot of fun! Why, you ask? Drop 5 happened Tuesday!! Tuesday What was the first thing I did when Drop 5 happened? Well, went through my bags, bank, costumes, etc., but then just kind of putzed around Thayd. I’m one of those folks taht doesn’t like to do everything new the first day because (1) it’s a little overwhelming to try to absob all the changes at once and (2) there’s usually bugs no matter how thoroughly things are tested on a PTR. It’s the same with pretty much any game. I finally found the Cheese while working on challenges in…

  • Black Dagger Society,  Life,  Television,  WildStar

    True Detective

    WildStar Week Ladies in front, boys in the back! (LtoR: Sheae, Doom Kitty, Myself, Positive, Camara) This past week was a busy week in WildStar. Tuesday night we ran Bay of Betrayal on the PTR again, and almost downed the last boss! We’re going to try again next week. I’m in the process of writing a post for my thoughts on the Drop 5 PTR, and I hope to be posting it soon (as it includes a fast-forwarded video of us running Bay of Betrayal). Friday was our “Normals Night” as I like to call it. We have a lot of 50s that run Veteran/high level content throughout the week,…

  • Awards,  Life,  Other

    Creative Blogger Award

    So, the amazing Murf at Murf Versus tagged me with the Creative Blogger Award. I’m very honored, because he’s a blogger I admire greatly, and he said some very nice things about my blog that are greatly appreciated, and gave me some warm-fuzzies. Much along the same vein as the Liebster award, I must answer some questions and tag some folks. The rules entail the following: Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify them via their social media/blogs.  Thank and post the link of the person who nominated you.  Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers.  Pass on the rules. Much like Murf and his nominator Kelly, I won’t be able to…

  • Black Dagger Society,  Life,  WildStar

    Veteran Dungeon Bonanza

    Wine Tasting Last night Chaide and I went to my first ever wine tasting. It was Tuscany wines, and was a lot of fun. I am new to the world of wines, having always preferred various takes on Hard Ciders and hard liquors, particularly Whiskies. I found three that I liked, and we’re going to start a list of wines we’d like to purchase whenever we feel like wine, or have guests. As we’re also looking to start a family soon, I felt compelled to do some research on how/if pregnant women are even allowed to go to wine tastings. In today’s culture (at least in the USA) there’s so…

  • Fit Geek Friday,  Life

    Fit Geek Friday – Stop Being Negative

    I’ve recently joined a blogging link-up called Fit Geek Friday, hosted by B.J., and Void, this blogger initiative is all about geeks interested in fitness of sorts, get together and share links, and talk about awesome things for the week. #FitGeekFriday is a way for all of us to meet new friends, find new health, fitness, and geekery blogs, and immerse ourselves in a growing community of people who care about all the same stuff we do. Participation is simple! Use the “Add A Link” button below to leave a link to something awesome you wrote at your website, click into someone else’s links, comment, and make new friends! #FitGeekFriday…

  • Black Dagger Society,  Housing,  Life,  ThaydFest,  Wildcast,  WildStar,  Yardcore

    ThaydFest II, WildCast Podcast, and Yardcore

    ThaydFest Last Sunday (the 15th), Black Dagger Society and a bunch of other guilds (in particular, Blazing Saddles) and folks on the Entity server (Exile side) put together an awesome WildStar event called ThaydFest! We had a bunch of people come out for all the events and hang out and just be awesome together. We held a housing contest called Lifestyles of Nexus where judges went around to folks’ houses and we came up with winners, whose plots are pretty damn awesome! You can see videos if you go look at the winners. Twitter was afoot with tons of pictures and streams and videos and comments. It was so great…

  • Awards,  Life,  Other

    Liebster Award 2015

    Towards the end of last week, I was nominated by both Aywren and Iron Weakness to participate in the Liebster Award. A nasty cold/fever knocked me out this weekend, so I am just getting to it now. As with Aywren, this is the first time I’ve heard of this, and I am honored to be able to participate in the large chain of bloggers participating in this.  So there’s a few different ways to go about this award, as I have researched, but I am going to go the same route as Aywren–state 11 random facts about myself, then answer the questions posed to me by my nominators, create my own…