• Black Dagger Society,  FFXIV,  Life,  ThaydFest,  WildStar

    In Which There is Stuff and Things

    The past few weeks I’ve had stuff to write, but I didn’t know how to go about it without (a) pointing fingers, (b) revealing too much and (c) without sounding like a whiney you-know-what. There’s still a lot of details I can’t, and won’t, go into, but I think I can pretty much sum up. Black Dagger Society For those that don’t know, I’m one of the GMs in Black Dagger Society in WildStar, along with my husband (Chaide), and a good RL friend. I love the guild. It is a place we feel like folks can come, relax, and be family. And then be successful when folks have the desire…

  • Black Dagger Society,  Life,  WildStar

    Two Years, Wow

    Well, it has been almost two years… TWO YEARS … since my last update. What’s been going on in those two years? A lot, that’s for sure. Life Hahaha. Ohhh, I thought I wanted to be back in the schools. Nope. Long story short, it didn’t work out, and next week I start a contract in the field of Training and Development. I am so psyched! I learned that I was just being wishy washy, and I needed to find what truly made me happy, even if I had to do things that didn’t to get me to the happy career. And now, I have found it, at least for…

  • Console,  Life,  Reading,  Tabletop

    Guess Who’s Back: Life In Retrospect

    Oh, I love how I keep saying “I’ll blog more,” but then never get around to it. I’ll get better about it eventually. Life, overall, has had quite a few ups and downs. And very little time for gaming. Life  Feel free to skip this. I don’t normally bemoan or mention real life much online, as I feel they should be as separate as they can be. However, life has been such a rollercoaster since November, that I felt it was best to get it all out and be done with brooding in my head. Please, feel free to skip this section. In November I lost an okay job in…

  • Life

    Life? What’s That Thing?

    So, I don’t normally use my blog to ramble on about life, but I feel the need to today. There’s some game-related chatter if you’re really interested somewhere in here, but otherwise, feel free to skip past this entry completely. There’s possibly going to be some whining. You know, I did have a whole long entry typed out with nitty-gritty details, and it was very cathartic, but I am not going to post it. Suffice to say, the Elephant and I are in a very rough spot with life at the moment. One that we’re working on remedying via a move this weekend back into an apartment of our own,…

  • Blog Azeroth,  Life

    BAST: Cooking Recipe IRL

    This past week, Kallixta‘s Shared Topic was proposed over at BA:ST: Have you ever attempted a WoW cooking recipe IRL? Have you found someone else’s recipe and tried to follow it?There have been folks that have used their own Unidentified Cooking Utensils to produced recipes and some have worked better than others. Share yours!Or perhaps you can follow a recipe. but not create one and there is this fascinating recipe that you need created for you by someone with the right skills?The reverse might also be a consideration: What IRL foods are missing in Azeroth? I know I’m a little late on the topic (seems to be a trend with…

  • Info,  Life,  The Sims

    And, we’re back!

    I know it was a while, but the Elephant and I are finally settled in (for the most part) and life has calmed down (after this Wednesday, anyway… defending my thesis equivalent! YIKES!). But, I’m back! I can’t wait to start back on BA topics. I’ve missed them so much. And the community. While I’ve been following my favorites, I haven’t had much time outside of life and raid to even comment. Which makes me quite sad, considering there have been some awesome topics out there since my mini-hiatus. Expect a post from me this week on the new BA topic! 😀 Really happy to be back. Also, I’ve gotten…

  • Info,  Life

    Life Changes

    This is just a quick little update and heads up for any followers that I may be MIA for a few weeks. (Man! And I’m already behind on BA entries and Saga’s challenge too!) The Elephant and I are in the process of moving while finishing our school semesters and working. I would honestly really like to take a break every so often from the hectic activity that is packing your life up and blog, but I cannot guarantee such an action. Hence the little notice. I will officially be back mid- to late-April, with another “official” notice. But, if I blog before then, I will be one happy camper.…

  • 20 Days of Warcraft,  Info,  Life

    20 Days of… Why I Decided to Blog (Day 2)

    This is Day 2 of Saga’s 20 days of WoW Blogging challenge! Been a tad behind in keeping up with this, but now that things have [slightly] normalized with school, I’m back to blogging! I started blogged way back in 2001 with DeadJournal with my best friend, and then migrated soon after over to LiveJournal as soon as a friend from school got me a code to join. I was always on there–lurking in the communities, joining a few here and there, and updating like mad, thinking that people cared all about my life. It was sort of the precurser to MySpace, come to think of it. Though, it was…

  • Life

    Hiatus Status: Complete

    Image from PinoyBlogero I apologize profusely for my extended hiatus. The past few months have been hectic with some medical changes, the start of the New Year, an extremely busy semester in Graduate school (my final portfolio defense is coming up! Eek!), and obtaining a new and amazing job. Expect updates much more frequently now that I’ve sorted things out and have gotten things rolling and back to a state of normalcy. Also, I just downloaded WMV… and can’t wait to use it for a BAST post! 😀

  • Blog Azeroth,  Life

    Home Again, Home Again…

    Image from Bytelove Jiggity jig. The Elephant and I are back home. Home to our own bed. Home to our pets babies. Home to an internet connection that will let us both play WoW at the same time, and let me stay connected for more than a few minutes at a time. The downside: Away from my family and friends again. But, at least it was awesome to see the lot of them. It made me really happy to spend time with the people I care about. So, now that I’ve steady internet connection, expect my Evil Boss post (uber late. D:), my Cataclysm Impressions post, and Real Life vs.…