Real Neat Blogger Award, Redux
It looks like the Real Neat Blog Award is going around the blogosphere again. Soloarayo of Ace Asunder got tagged again, and opened it up to folks who may want to participate for whatever reason, so I’m taking it and running with it in lieu of having an actual blog topic to write about today. Thanks, hun! What is the one thing you’re most proud of? This one is difficult to answer, because there’s a lot in my life I’m proud of accomplishing or doing. I think right now, I’m most proud of how much effort I’m trying to put into making my side business my main business. I’m sure…
Real Neat Versatile Blogger Award 2020
Awards Time Once again, I am behind on blogging awards. I was tagged by Solarayo of Ace Asunder for the Real Neat Blogger Award, and before I could get to answering it, Naithan of Time to Loot tagged me in his combination Real Neat Blogger/Versatile Blogger award. I am going to tackle all of the questions in this post. As I mentioned in my last award post, I’m not going to bother tagging anybody as most folks have already been tagged for this. If you haven’t, and you would like to complete this, please feel free to grab either of the question sets, or both! The Rules I’ve yoinked the…
Developer Appreciation: NCSoft and Carbine Studios
This was originally posted on MMO Games on 27 April 2016. It is being re-posted here to archive the work I have done in case the original website ever shuts down. This week is Developer Appreciation Week—a blogging event that began in 2010 with the intention to simply shed positive light on the gaming industry, and appreciate the game development teams that have done so much for the MMO genre. You can read more in detail about this years’ event at Tales of the Aggronaut. Belghast puts it succinctly in the introductory blog post. “The good folks in the games industry enter it because they love video games, and often times…
What Wildstar Can Learn From The Secret World: Part 1
This was originally posted on QueueTimes on 4 March 2016. It is being re-posted here to archive the work I have done in case the original website ever shuts down. Two of my favorite games are The Secret World and WildStar, in no particular order. The Secret World has been Buy to Play since December 2012, and has a large chunk of time riding the “free to play” wave under its belt. By comparison, WildStar went Free to Play in September 2015. The Secret World recently reworked their membership benefits, and there are quite a few things Carbine could learn from Funcom in this regard. An Aside on RNG Boxes First,…
WildStar Casual Friday with Chad Moore
This was originally posted on QueueTimes on 12 October 2015. It is being re-posted here to archive the work I have done in case the original website ever shuts down. Lore is the foundation of every awesome game experience that you ever have. If you ain’t got lore, you ain’t got nothin’. – Chad “Pappy” Moore, October 9, 2015 On Friday October 9th, the Wildstar Casual Friday stream focused on Chad “Pappy” Moore going around and playing a bit on his Dominion toon, with Micah Whipple asking him questions about lore, and questions posed in the Twitch chat. Before this, however, Chris Thomas (@CRB_Buiden on Twitter), Lead Software Engineer, came on…
WildStar Launch Update DevStream
This was originally posted on QueueTimes on 2 October 2015. It is being re-posted here to archive the work I have done in case the original website ever shuts down. On October 2, 2015 WildStar’s afternoon stream went from the Casual Friday layout they’ve been exploring recently into a WildStar Launch Update DevStream with Chad “Pappy” Moore, Omeed Dariani, and Chris Thomas, Lead Software Engineer (who was excited to participate in his first stream). Chris is responsible for all the game systems (outside of combat) that the designers use to make neat things for the players, as well as all the server structure involved in the back-end. The three of…
WildStar Stat Changes: What We Know
This was originally posted on QueueTimes on 2 July 2015. It is being re-posted here to archive the work I have done in case the original website ever shuts down. After the “Road to Free-to-Play II” Live Stream on Wednesday, July 1st, Steven Engle (aka Meerkat), sat down for a Reddit AMA about the WildStar stat changes that have been discussed. While the information given to us is not the final word, nor the end-all-be-all on what will be implemented, it gave us, the players, a more detailed idea of what will be happening prior to Deep Dive articles. You can find the original Reddit AMA here, but I will be summarizing questions…
WildStar: Bay of Betrayal Walkthrough
This was originally posted on QueueTimes on 5 May 2015. It is being re-posted here to archive the work I have done in case the original website ever shuts down. So, are you excited about Drop 5, and ready to try out the new Adventure, Bay of Betrayal? You’ve come to the right place! I spent a bunch of time on the PTR focusing on just the Bay of Betrayal with some amazing guild members, and wanted to share my findings/strategies to make it easier for those trying the Adventure for the first time. Before an information dump, however, it is very useful to note that you will need to be in…
30 Video Game Answers, Part 3
This post is (8/31) of the Blaugust 2019 event! You can find out more about Blaugust over at Belghast’s blog. I (Chestnut) created a Twitter list of all participants. UltrViolet created an OPML file of all the bloggers to import into your feed reader. The other day I decided to turn a post from 2017 into some prompts for folks. Part two’s prompts can be found here. It comes to an end with this post, part three of three! (Unrelated: I know I’m “behind” on posts, and while depression may have gotten the best of me for the past few days, I’m going to try to post an extra post…
30 Video Game Answers, Part 2
This post is (7/31) of the Blaugust 2019 event! You can find out more about Blaugust over at Belghast’s blog. I (Chestnut) created a Twitter list of all participants. UltrViolet created an OPML file of all the bloggers to import into your feed reader. The other day I decided to turn a post from 2017 into some prompts for folks. I’m continuing it with this post, part two of three! Gaming System of Choice I know it’s cliche, but it really is the computer. When it comes down to it, I do love my handhelds and PS4, but I just have a larger collection on the computer than anything else.…